Изберите праильный ответ из предложенных.41While she was ice-skating, Eva ...............

Изберите праильный ответ из предложенных.

While she was ice-skating, Eva ............... on the
icy surface and broke her leg.
A splashed B slipped C swapped
If Mary is too busy to help Paul and Linda move house, they'll do it
A theirselfs B themselves C theirselves
This is the beach ............. my brother works as a
A where B which C who
As I was looking through some old photos, I came ......
a picture of my grandfather in his army uniform.
A round B out C across
Tom's laptop ........... him to go online and do his
work even when he's not in the office.
A succeeds B achieves C enables
Larry is a very good athlete. He runs.......... than
anyone else on the school team.
A more quickly B most quickly
C as quickly
Juan loves listening to English pop songs, even though he doesn't understand all the .......
A melodies B lyrics C scripts
If we don't reduce air pollution, acid rain will
continue to ............. the trees and plants we need
for oxygen.
A burn B emit C poison
............... Maria got to work yesterday, she checked
all her emails.
A As soon as B Just C Until

If you simply sit around and do nothing all day, you're going to fall with your schoolwork.
A out B apart C behind
It's snowing today; wear a jumper over
your shirt.
A woollen B leather C cotton
John could not see in the heavy fog, and lost control ..........his car. Fortunately, he wasn't hurt.
A of B from C with
Some birds, like turkeys or pheasants, build their .........
on the ground, and not in trees.
A nests B cliffs C caves
I think surfing is very difficult, but Mike thinks it's easy as
A cake B beans C pie
Sue can't play the accordion, .......?
A cannot she
B can she
C she can't
We love living in the city. Everything is so .............
at хэнд.
A near B far
C close
We didn't find any unusual art works at the exhibition. In fact, all the paintings were quite...............
A unique B strange
C ordinary
It's late and I have to get up early tomorrow. I think I'll turn now.
A into B on C in
If you study hard at school this year, you ....... high marks.
A going to get B will get
C are getting
Harrison Форд is probably best-known for his
in Indiana Jones.
A plot B rating C role
The famous actress got angry during the interview, when the started asking her
personal questions.
A journalist B engineer C mayor
While Jill was painting her room last week, she fell off the and sprained her wrist.
A rake B hammer C ladder
Professor Johnson's fun and loving is
what makes her popular with her students
A character B appearance C built


Susie can tell you where the restaurant is, as she has been there
A yet B before C just

Thomas doesn't like romantic comedies. Thrillers are his cup of
A milk B tea C broth

Johnny can't swim as Mark, because he
has hurt his back.
A fast than B fast as C fast from
During our walk through the wildlife ..................
we saw many interesting species of birds.
A reserve B campus C atmosphere
If you're thirsty, you may have a ............. of cola
or a glass of juice.
A jar B box C can
Alex and Cathy toffee apples all morning,
and the kitchen is a mess.
A has мейд B have been making
C have made
My brother is an excellent science fiction writer. The stories he makes are very imaginative.
A up B out C in

Tom has been feeling all day today.
Maybe he's coming down with the flu.
A cheerful B miserable C refreshed
Henry in his father's toy store since he
was 17 years old, and he's very happy there.
A worked B has worked
C was working
Tom and his family feel very in the
countryside, as the nearest house to them is 40 kilometres away.
A homesick B isolated C crowded
Georgia got her driving licence than her
brother Phillip.
A earlier B more early
C earliest
We haven't got sugar. Would you like
honey in your tea?
A some B many C any
Mike still lives with his parents, he?
A hasn't
B isn't
C doesn't
Storytelling on cold winter nights has been a(n).......
in my family for over 40 years.
A location B tradition
C investigation
I don't know operates the non-profit
organisation, but you can go online and find out their name.
A who B which C what
Julie wore a different costume for every................
in our school play.
A spot B score C scene
Jane has been trying to find her lost cat ...............
A for B on C since

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1 ответ
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44 C
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77 B
78 A
79 C
80 C
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