Вставьте слова в пробелы. volunteer, provide, notorious, dedicated, adults, obedient,

Воткните слова в пробелы.

volunteer, provide, notorious, dedicated, adults, obedient, spread, tramped, rebel, cast-off

1. The epidemic _________ to neighboring countries. 2. Alice now helps in a local school as a ________ three days a week. 3. Mrs Thomas Bell said Robin had been a _________ at school. On the contrary, he was well-behaved and quiet. 4. The book was ____ to her mother. 5. The government will _______ temporary accommodation for these people. 6. I dont think I can allow you to watch the film. Its for ______ only. 7. Im sick of wearing my sisters clothes. 8. Gerald was a(n) ____ patient and always followed the doctors advice. 9. Alex _____the streets looking for a job. 10. Florence is a(n) ________ gossip. She easily spreads rumours about people.

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1. spread, 2. volunteer, 3. rebel, 4. dedicated, 5. provide,  6. adults, 7. obedient, 8.  cast-off,  9. tramped, 10. notorious,

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