Пока Сюзанна стирала в ванной бельё, телефон все время звонил конкретно тогда, когда у неё руки были по локоть в мыле. Приходилось каждый раз вытирать их о передник и то и дело бежать к телефону.
6. Моя тётушка спалила еще одно платьице. Она такая рассеянная, что каждый раз, когда гладит, что-нибудь подпалит.
7. Мои друзья полны надежд. Они покупали посудомоечную машину и теперь довольствуются, что посуду будут мыть один раз в денек, да и то не своими руками. Окончательно, это так экономит время и силы!
8. Мне нравится пылесосить. Это удобней, чем подметать пол шваброй. Нагибаться не надобно и специальными щетками можно убрать пыль под любой мебелью диванчиком, креслом, плитой. Совершенно не тратишь никаких усилий.
9. Я посадила пятнышко на блузку. Потёрла осторожно мыльной тряпкой, но пятнышко не сошло, а, напротив, стало ещё больше.
10. Когда водишь хозяйство, приходится заниматься обычными мучительными делами: стиркой, уборкой, мытьём посуды, гладить, готовить.
11. Мой отпрыск совершенно неопытен в семейных делах. Потому, когда он моет посуду, ему не прибывает в голову, что сначала надо всё щепетильно разобрать, вымыть чашечки и стаканы, потом тарелки и приборы, а уж в самом конце жирные кастрюли и сковородки.
12. В раковине возвышалась гора посуды и даже на полу стояли кастрюли. Стол был усыпан очистками и уставлен мисками. В общем, на кухне был страшный кавардак.
13. Мэри развесила бельё на верёвке и прикрепила прищепками. Чулки повесила пятками ввысь.
14. Я смертельно утомилась после генеральной уборки. Но ничего не поделаешь. Само собой ничего не делается. Приходится тратить время и силы, чтобы привести дом в порядок.

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2 ответа
While Suzanne was washing in the bathroom linen, the phone kept ringing just when her hands were stained in the soap. Had to wipe them on the apron and every now and then to run to the phone.
6. My aunt burned the next dress. She is so absent-minded that every time when stroking, anything will burn.
7. My friends are full of hope. They bought a dishwasher and now I am glad that the dishes will be washed once a day, and that not with their hands. Of course, this saves time and effort!
8. I like to vacuum. It's easier than sweeping the floor with a MOP. Bend over and don't need a special brush to clean the dust under furniture sofa, armchair, stove. Do not spend any effort.
9. I put the stain on the blouse. Rubbed gently with a soapy cloth, but the stain is not gone, but on the contrary became even more.
10. When you lead the economy, have to deal with the usual tedious chores: Laundry, cleaning, dishwashing, Ironing, cooking.
11. My son is very inexperienced in the home. So when he washes dishes, he does not come to mind that you first need to carefully disassemble, wash cups and glasses, then plates and Cutlery, and finally the greasy pots and pans.
12. At the sink stood the mountain of dishes and even on the floor were pots. The table was strewn with skins and lined with bowls. In General, the kitchen was a terrible mess.
13. Mary hung the clothes on the rope and attached the clothespins. Stockings hung heels up.
14. I was exhausted after a General cleaning. But nothing can be done. Of course nothing is done. You have to spend time and energy to bring the house in order.
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While Suzanne was washing clothes in the bathroom, the phone kept ringing just when her hands were on the elbow in the soap. Every time I had to wipe them on the apron and go running to the phone every now and then.6. My aunt burned another dress. She is so absent-minded that every time she strokes, something will fall on her.7. My friends are full of hope. They bought a dishwasher and now rejoice that the dishes will be washed once a day, and even then not with their own hands. Of course, this saves time and energy!8. I like to vacuum. This is more convenient than sweeping the floor with a mop. Do not bend down and special brushes can remove dust under any furniture - sofa, armchair, stove. You do not waste any effort at all.9. I planted a stain on the blouse. I rubbed it gently with a soapy cloth, but the stain did not come off, but, on the contrary, it became even larger.10. When you run a farm, you have to deal with usual tedious business: washing, cleaning, washing dishes, ironing, cooking.11. My son is not very experienced at home. Therefore, when he washes the dishes, it does not occur to him that at first everything must be carefully disassembled, wash cups and glasses, then - plates and appliances, and at the very end - fat pans and frying pans.12. In the sink there was a mountain of dishes and even on the floor there were pots. The table was strewn with cleanings and set with bowls. In general, the kitchen was a terrible mess.13. Mary hung out the clothes on a rope and fastened with clothespins. Stockings hung upside down.14. I was fatally tired after the spring cleaning. But nothing can be done. By itself, nothing is done. You have to spend time and energy to bring the house in order.
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