Сочинение "возлюбленная книга" на англ. языке)

Сочинение "любимая книжка" на англ. языке)

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My favourite book is The Count Monte Cristo. This book was written by Alexander Dumas in 1844. This gripping and moving book is filled with emotions, meaning and depth of relationships. The book tells a harrowing story about the sailor Edmon Dantes from the ship Pharaon. He has a very beautiful girlfriend Mersedess and they both want to get marry. However, Fernan, who is Mersedess cousine also want to be Mersedess husband. Danglar write a risque denunciatin of Edmon. Before the wedding, police arrested him. Edmon was locked in the chilling caste If for 14 years. When he become free, he find the treasure about which told him Abbey Faria. Monte Cristo became very rich. It is very compulsive reading. This page-turner is full of evocative scenes. I love this book as well and I strongly reccomend to read this book, because it is a compelling tale of the love and betrayal
Вадим Лапидовский
*denunciation, castle
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