что мы делаем чтоб быть здоровым. мини статья на английском и

Что мы делаем чтобы быть здоровым. мини статья на британском и с переводом если можно.

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Занятия спортом позволяют держать себя в форме. Кроме того, что вы вправду улучшите свое самочувствие, еще и фигура равномерно воспримет желанные очертания. Вобщем, не надо сходу перегружать себя. Иногда просто прогулка пешком до нужного этажа могут сойти за упражнение, а уже далее можно перебегать на утренние пробежки и походы в спортзал.

Не раз ученые и диетологи цитировали фразу Я то, что я ем. Это даже не правда это правда. От свойства еды впрямую зависит и качество жизни. Не злоупотребляйте жирным, мучным, а будьте больше овощей и плодов вот путь к здоровью. Некоторые еще и призывают к полному отказу от мяса и рыбы, но вегетарианство это теснее на любителя.

Также, окончательно, стоит отрешиться от алкоголя и сигарет - равномерно, без стресса для организма.

Не запамятовывайте о том, что все превосходно в меру. Балансируйте труд и отдых, не перегружайтесь, но и не разрешайте для себя лениться. Время от времени бывает полезно устроить для себя лежачий выходной, но вновь-таки, без фанатизма 1-го такового дня вполне довольно.

И окончательно, не забывайте о постоянном посещении лекарей и осмотрах. Надеюсь, все эти советы помогут на вопрос: Что делать, чтоб быть здоровым?, ответить просто: Быть им!


Спорт activities allow you to keep yourself in shape. Besides the fact that you really improve your health, and the figure has gradually takes shape desired. However, do not overload yourself immediately. Sometimes just walking distance to the destination floor can pass for exercise, and only then you can go for jogging and going to the gym.

Do not just scientists and nutritionists quoted phrase, "I am what I eat." It is not even true - it's true. From the quality of food is directly related and quality of life. Do not abuse the fat, flour, and eat more fruits and vegetables - that's the way to health. Some even call for a complete rejection of meat and fish, but vegetarian - this is not for everybody.

Also, of course, is to give up alcohol and cigarettes - gradually, without stress to the body.

Do not forget that everything is good in moderation. Balance the work and rest, do not overload, but do not allow yourself to be lazy. Sometimes it is useful to arrange a "shut-in" output, but again, without fanaticism - one such day is enough.

And of course, do not forget about the regular visits to doctors and examinations. I hope all these tips help to the question "What to do to be healthy?" The answer is simple: "Be It!"

The health of a person is the main value in the life. It cannot be bought with any money! There is no price for it. Being the sick person, you cannot realize all your dreams and be successful in the modern world.
But how to be healthy, when there are a lot of fatal temptations around us?
Dont begin! Dont make the first cigar inhalation, the first sip of alcohol! Everything begins so simply, but comes to the end with a trouble.
It was said so much about the harm of smoking. For a long time it has been proved, that smoking is not only reflected on the budget of a family, pollutes air, but also ruins our health. But, in spite of all that the number of smoking people is not diminished. And what is more grievous, not only the teens but also the junior schoolboys begin to smoke.
I think those, who dont do his (her) best in study or school life, as a rule begin to smoke at the school age. It was proved, that there is no such organ which would not suffer from smoking. Smoking is not a harmless pastime which can be given up without efforts. It is necessary to have the will - power to stop smoking.
In addition to smoking, we can name the other fatal habit: the drinking of alcohol. Unfortunately, very often they combine with each other. Alcohol is a poison! Having penetrated into an organism, it has destroyed the brain of the person for some months. A great man said that drinking alcohol is a voluntary mad, and I think he was right. Under the influence of alcohol the person can make absolutely rash actions. The matter is that alcoholis the drug, and drugs influence on the brains of the person. Especially alcohol is very dangerous for the young because their organism is exposed to the influence of harmful substances more easily. Even a single sip of alcohol causes a poisoning which can lead to death. And the usage of drugs They ruin all human organs, so the drug addicts die young. Few of them live longer than several years after they have started taking drugs.
So, I consider that there is no place to these habits in our life. To my mind, only healthy people should live on our planet and then our Earth will be brighter and more beautiful, because only the healthy person will provide its further development and prosperity.

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