Праздник урожая в Рф на британском языке

Праздничек урожая в Рф на британском языке

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The harvest festival - September 8, the Orthodox, September 29, Catholics

The whole process of collecting - from beginning to end - was accompanied by ritualistic rituals, and ended with a grandiose feast. The goal was to honor the Earth, which gave a rich harvest, mark the end of the field works, thank the forces of nature for favor. In addition, during the holiday, called the harvest day, the foundations of agriculture and horticulture were laid for the next year. Such reverence for the goddess of the Earth promised women and mothers the patronage of the Virgin, protection of children, families, relatives. Therefore, even through the centuries, the holiday or harvest day continues to be celebrated in different countries, mainly in rural areas.
Анастасия Бармыкова
Праздник Урожая на (англ.) - harvest festival 
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