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Many people like spending their holidays in the countryside. Life in the village is different from life in the city. Country air is less contaminated. There are lakes and meadows with grazing cattle. There are a lot of things you can do while staying in the countryside. You can take a stroll in the forest and listen to some birds singing, you can go fishing or swim in the lake. You can simply sit by the river watching sunset.

Everyone who lives in the village has their own farm. Some people rear hens, pigs or goats. Everyone has their own vegetable garden where they grow vegetables, fruit and berries. In the nearby forest they go to pick mushrooms.

In summer people stock up with firewood to stoke the stoves long winter nights.


Vneshne dacha napominayet kompaktnyye modul'nyye domiki, s toy lish' raznitsey, chto dannyy ekzemplyar predstavlyayet soboy srub iz brusa, prigodnyy tol'ko dlya sezonnogo prozhivaniya. V krovle 250 mm uteplitelya (ekovata), v polu 200 mm, steny iz kleyenogo brusa tolshchinoy 70 mm i ne utepleny. Pri ispol'zovanii kamina zdes' mozhno zhit' vplot' do oktyabrya, a bol'shego ot dachi poka i ne trebuyetsya. Krysha kazhetsya ploskoy. Na samom zhe dele ona imeyet skat pod uglom 5 gradusov. S ulitsy uklon nezameten blagodarya vyrovnennomu v ploskosti zemli parapetu. Panoramnymi oknami kubik obrashchen na sever, chto bylo by sovershenno nepriyemlemo, yesli by dom ispol'zovalsya dlya zhizni kruglyy god. Odnako poskol'ku eto dacha dlya letnego prozhivaniya, resheniye opravdanno: v zharu postroyka ne budet peregrevat'sya.


Externally, the cottage resembles compact modular houses, with the only difference that this instance is a log house мейд of timber, suitable only for seasonal living. In the roof - 250 mm of insulation (ecowool), in the floor - 200 mm, the walls - from glued timber 70 mm thick and not insulated. When using a fireplace, you can live here until October, and more is not required from giving yet.       The roof seems flat. In fact, it has a slope at an angle of 5 degrees. From the street, the slope is invisible due to the parapet aligned on the ground plane. Panoramic windows "cube" facing north, which would be completely unacceptable if the house was used for living all year round. However, since this is a summer residence for summer living, the decision is justified: in the heat, the building will not overheat.

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