ТЕМА: типы вопросительных предложенийЗАДАНИЕ: перепишите предложения, переведите их,

ТЕМА: типы вопросительных предложений
ЗАДАНИЕ: перепишите предложения, переведите их, образуйте общий особый (но не к подлежащему) и разделительный вопросы к каждому из них
He went to school last year.
Он прогуливался в школу в прошедшем году.
General question: Did he go to school last year?
Special question: Where did he go last year?
Tail question: He went to school last year, did not he?
1) Their performers will acquaint with the diversity of cultural heritage.
2) The Olympic Games were held in Melbourne in 1956.
3) People from Great Britain came to Australia over 200 years ago.
4) He sees the exotic and beautiful nature of that country.

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1 ответ
1) Their performers will acquaint with the diversity of cultural heritage.
Их исполнители познакомят с разнообразием культурного наследства.

Will their
performers acquaint with the diversity of cultural heritage?
What will
their performers acquaint with?
Their performers will acquaint with the diversity of cultural heritage, won't they?

2) The Olympic Games were held in Melbourne in 1956.
Олимпийские забавы проводились в Мельбурне в 1956 году.

Were the
Olympic Games held in Melbourne in 1956?
When were
the Olympic Games held in Melbourne?
The Olympic Games were held in Melbourne in 1956, weren't they?

3) People from Great Britain came to Australia over 200 years ago.
Люди из Англии достигнули Австралии более 200 лет вспять.

Did people
from Great Britain come to Australia over 200 years ago?
When did
people from Great Britain come to Australia?
People from Great Britain came to Australia over 200 years ago, didn't they?

4) He sees the exotic and beautiful nature of that country.

Он лицезреет экзотическую и красивую природу той страны.

Does he see the exotic and beautiful nature of that country?
What does he see?
He sees the exotic and beautiful nature of that country, doesn't he?
, оставишь ответ?

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