Заполните пропуски словами, данными курсивом в начале упражнения. gym

Заполните пропуски словами, данными курсивом в начале упражнения. gym canteen lab art room classroom staff room playing field playground cloakroom library 1. Today in the __________they had my favorite meal: steak and kidney pie with chips. 2. When it rains, we have our P.E. lessons inside in the ______________. 3. John nearly blew up the science ___________last week when he mixed the wrong chemicals together. 4. The walls of the __________ are covered in pictures which have been painted by the pupils. 5. It's always quiet in the ___________and there are lots of interesting books there. 6. We have lots of fun in the ____________playing games or relaxing between lessons. 7. There are thirty desks and chairs and a big blackboard in our ________ 8. You should put your hats, scarves and coats in the ______________. 9. The __________ is for teachers only pupils are not allowed to go in there. 10. We watched our college team playing rugby on the __________yesterday.

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1 canteen 2 gym 3 lab 4   art room 5 library 6 playground 7 classroom 8  cloakroom 9 staff room 10 playing field
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