VIII. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в Past Indefinite Tense.1. Bohr

VIII. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в Past Indefinite Tense.
1. Bohr ( to create) his model of the atom, working at the Rutherfords laboratory.
2. Scientists ( to develop) new methods of converting one type of energy into another.
3. Bohr ( to receive) the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1922.
IX. Изберите нужную форму глагола to have и переведите предложения на российский язык.
1. Bohr ( to have, has, had) the doctorate for investigation of the electron theory of metals.
2. Lomonosov ( to have, has, had) a good knowledge of foreign languages.
3. Bohr ( to have, has, had) the gold medal of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences.
X. Заполните пропуски прилагательными в соответствующей ступени сравнения.
1. Isaac Newton was one of ( great, greater, the greatest) minds of the world.
2. Newton founded ( high, higher, the highest) mathematics.
3. They discussed one of ( important, more important, the most important) problems of cybernetics.

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1. Bohr created his model of the atom, working at the Rutherfords laboratory.
2. Scientists developed new methods of converting one type of energy into another.
3. Bohr received the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1922.

IX. Выберите нужную форму глагола to have и переведите предложения на российский язык.
1. Bohr had the doctorate for investigation of the electron theory of metals.
У Бора была докторская ступень за исследование электронной теории металлов
2. Lomonosov had a good knowledge of foreign languages.
Ломоносов хорошо знал зарубежные языки.
3. Bohr had the gold medal of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences.
Бор получил золотую медаль 
Датской царской академии наук.

X. Заполните пропуски прилагательными в подходящей ступени сопоставленья.
1. Isaac Newton was one of the greatest minds of the world.
2. Newton founded higher mathematics.
3. They discussed one of the most important problems of cybernetics.

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