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I like to cook very much. Its my hobby. I would like to tell you about my favorite dish, which is vintage dish in our family collection. I learned it from my mum, and she did it from my granny.Its named Meaty footlocker. This is a softly vegetables with a light, dietary meat, mushroom fragrant and fresh herbs under the fluffy cheeses crisp. We are cooking this dish only in summer, because the fresh vegetables more accessible in that season.You need for this dish the chicken, a vegetable marrow, mushrooms, tomatoes, the hard cheese, spice and herbs.Finely chopped chickens meat add to onion and spice. Peel the marrow, cut it rings and delete its core. Then stuff it with chicken meat, put on it circle of tomato and mushrooms. Cover it cheese cap above. It мейд of grated cheese and mayonnaise. Put it in the oven to bake. When the crust is formed, the dish can be served to the table, do not forget to sprinkle with fresh herbs

Подражанский Никита
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