зад 6,ПРОЧИТАЙ РАССКАЗ, ОТВЕТЬ НА ВОПРОС: Can the bir read ?

зад 6,ПРОЧИТАЙ РАССКАЗ, ОТВЕТЬ НА ВОПРОС: Can the bir read ? Rocky. Mr Greenwood has got a birb. He is a parrot. His name is Rosky. He is big and tunny . He eats corn.He can sing , fly and skip. And he can speak. He speaks well. On Sundays Rocky and Mr Greenwood like to play chess.But the bird cannot read. Mr Greenwood teaches ( учит) his birb to read; PIease, Rosky, read .

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Greenwood has got a birb. He is a parrot. His name is Rosky. He is big and tunny . He eats corn.He can sing , fly and skip. And he can speak. He speaks well. On Sundays Rocky and Mr Greenwood like to play chess.But the bird cannot read. Mr Greenwood teaches ( учит) his birb to read; PIease, Rosky, read .

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