That nice afternoon Mary Poppins took Jane and Michael to her
That nice afternoon Mary Poppins took Jane and Michael to her uncle,Mr. Wigg.It was a long way to Number Three,Robertson Road.Mary Poppins rang the ball, the door flew open and a thin lady out.
"How do you do, Mrs. Wigg" said Jane
"Mrs.Wigg !" said the thin lady. " No, thank you!I'm Miss Persimmon and am proud of it!" Jane and Michael looked at each other. They thought that Mr. Wigg was a very special person if the lady was so glad not be Mrs. Wigg.
Jane and Michael followed Mary Poppins upstairs.
" Come in! And welcome !" called a loud voice from inside.
Mary Poppins opened the door and they came into a nice large room. There was a fireplace in the corner and in the middle of the room there was a big table with four cups, bread and butter, biscuits , chocolates and a large cherry cake.
" Nice to see you , " somebody said. Jane and Michael looked around but saw nobody.
" Oh, Uncle Albert- not again ! It's not your birthday , is it ?" Mary Poppins said and looked up. Jane and Michael looked up too and saw a round , fat man in the air . Indeed, he was sitting in the air and reading a newspaper.
"My dear," said Mr. Wigg , smiling down at them , " I'm very sorry , but it is my birthday ." he said , looking down at Jane and Machael.
" I can see you're a little surprised , " said Mr. Wigg . And indeed , their mouths were so wide open ! " You see, I'm happy sort of man . I can smile and laugh at everythings , " said Mr. Wigg.
Задать свой вопросшляпахороший денекМэри ПоппинсбралаДжейн и Майклеедядя, мистерWigg.Itбылдлинный путь,номер три, РобертсонRoad.MaryПоппинспозвонил вмяч,дверь распахнулась, иизтонкоголеди.
"Как поживаете, миссисWigg", произнесла Джейн
"Mrs.Wigg!"произнес, чтоузкаяледи."Нет, спасибо!Ямиссхурмыигоржусь этим!"Джейн и Майклглядели друг на друга.Они мыслили, чтог-нWiggбыл оченьнеподражаемый человек, еслидамабыла так радане бытьмиссисWigg.
Джейн и МайклпоследовалМэри Поппинснаверх.
"Входите!Идобросердечно пожаловать!"называютзвучным голосомизнутри.
Мэри Поппинсоткрыла дверь, иони вошли вхороший большойномер.Существовалкамин в углуи вцентре комнатыбыл великойстол с 4-мячашечками,хлеб и масло, печенье,конфетыи большойвишневыйпирог.
"Рад тебя видеть",произнес кто-то.Джейн и Майклпоглядел вокруг, ноникого не видели.
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