Progress check. Unit 1.Task 1. Fill in the missing letters and

Progress check. Unit 1.

Task 1. Fill in the missing letters and translate the words.

dr_ _ _ c_de


sc_ol_ _ _ hip

home_ _ _k

mat_ _ e

in f_ _ o_ _ of

comp_ _ _o_ _

s_ pp_ _ _ s

go a_ _ _ _

ev_ _ _

snow_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

t_ _ n d_

pl_ _ n

m_ n_ _ e tim_

c_ te

Task 2. Make the sentences, using Present Perfect.

I / already / do / my / homework.

She / just / move / a new school.

Mike and Jane / read / the grammar rule.

He / already / listen / his / favourite musician.

Task 3. Turn the following sentences into reported speech.

Masha said, I spent my holidays in London last year.

Boris said, I go to the south every year.

The clerk said to them, You can leave the key with the maid upstairs.

Ann said to us, Lets go to the cinema.

Dont be late, said the teacher.

Task 3. Translate the sentences into Russian.

I wish I could always keep fit.

She wishes she acquired general knowledge.

I wish we had a compulsory uniform in our school.

Task 4. Make the sentences, using the Conditional II.

If you ( to be ) busy, I (to leave) you alone.

If my friend ( to come) to see me, I (to be) very glad.

If I ( to live) in Moscow, I (to visit) the Tretyakov Art Gallery every year.

If she (to know) English, she (to try) to enter the university.

Task 5. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

Катя выполнила семейнее задание вовремя, чтоб сходить с приятелями в кино.

Я хожу в школу, чтоб угодить своим родителям и повеселиться.

Я стараюсь распоряжаться своим временем грамотно, чтоб оставалось немножко медли на отдых.

Чтоб не расходовать свое время попусту, я сочиняю расписание на каждый день.

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1 ответ

Task 2. I have already do  my  homework.

She has just  move a new school.

 Mike and Jane has read  the grammar rule.

He has  already listen his  favourite musician.

Task 3 Masha said he spent her holidays in London

the following year.

Boris said he go to the south every year.

The clerk said to them they can leave the key with the maid upstairs.

Ann said to us we go to the cinema.

The teacher said if we have do not late.

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а ещё знаешь?
, оставишь ответ?

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