14. Изберите подходящий предлог: Last year my family went ______ holiday

14. Изберите подходящий предлог: Last year my family went ______ holiday to Italy.
А) on Б) into В) to Г) into from Д) between

15. Во всех случаях, кроме 1-го, подходит этот хвостик: doesnt he. Найдите неправильное предложение.
А) My friend often goes to the swimming pool, _____?
Б) Her son Jim works in the shop, _____?
В) The teacher says words from the box at the top of the page, _____?
Г) We always go on holiday to Thailand, _____?
Д) He goes skiing in January, _____?

16. Вот слова, связанные с Пасхой: А) rabbit Б) egg В) Jesus Christ Г) pumpkin Д) church
Какое слово употреблено ошибочно?

17. Прочитайте рассказ и определите в каком медли ведется повествование.
А) Present Perfect Б) Future Simple В) Past Simple Г) Present Simple Д) Present Progressive
Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein was a German scientist. He was born in Ulm in 1879. When he was a young boy he became interested in maths. He was also very good in music. He could play the violin. But he couldnt speak when he was five! He went to university in Zurich. In 1933 Einstein went to America and became a university teacher in New York. He changed modern science and became very famous. He got a Nobel Prize in 1921. He died when he was 76 years old.

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