Напишите на английском известие другу(150 слов)Типо пишу где я живу как

Напишите на английском сообщение другу(150 слов)Типо пишу где я живу как у меня дела что я делаю и т. д и т. п. Если что там на фото ещё информация.

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Hello! I live in my parents and brother in Moscow and go to a school near my house, in my opinion Moscow is a very cool place to live. Every morning I get up and have cereal for breakfast then go to school. At school we have a lot of different subjects ranging from physics and biology to literature and the Russian language, we have 7 lessons a day which are 45 minutes long, so I get home about 2:45. I also go to an art school 3 times a week where we practice different techniques of drawing and paining, as well as learning the history of art. When I get home in the evening, I do my homework and have dinner, then I go to bed or/and watch a film. These days I am very busy with school work and studies, though on the weekends I walk around the city with my friends and have fun with them.

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