помогите пожалуйста написать весь 9 номер

Помогите пожалуйста написать весь 9

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1 ответ
1. I am studying hard. 2. My sister misbehaves at school. 3. I always carefully listen to the teacher. 4. My brother runs fast. 5. My dad played tennis well 6. My mom quickly swims. 7. We had a good talk in English. 8. I can easily do it. 9. It sometimes behaves carelessly. 10. The child often cries loudly. 11. You can easily 'learn those rules. 12. She always says gently. 13. Children usually listen to parents carefully. 14. My grandfather is moving slowly. 15. It is usually said very politely. 16. Do you usually go to bed early? 17. I do not go to bed too late. 18. They carefully do your homework? 19. He always writing sloppy. 20. They are fluent in English? 21. She -Userdno do? 22. They are calm? 23. Sometimes inadvertently bikes. 24. It does not work well in the classroom. 25. Your grandmother is a good cook? 26. It is always beautifully decorated (decorate) Christmas tree (Christmas tree). 27. She sings beautifully. 2a They dance gracefully. 29. The dog usually barks loudly. 30. My dad always drives a car gently. 31. My grandparents live happily. 32. My grandmother usually gets up early. 33. On Sundays we get up late. 34. My brother is slowly making lessons.
Женя Крутилин
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