откройте скобки, образуя инфинитив в форме страдательного задатка, по образчику?The university

Откройте скобки, образуя инфинитив в форме страдательного заклада, по образчику?The university can (to see) from all parts of the city.
The university can be seen from all parts of the city.
1.The exam could not (to retake). 2. I must (to introduce) to the chief engineer. 3. The article can (to publish) next month. 4. This machine must (to test) again. 5. You may (to introduce) to each other at the party. 6. They must (to invite) to our meeting. 7. She neednt (to give) a dictionary to translate the poem.

Задать свой вопрос
Наманюк Рита
1. can be seen
Копиенко Даниил
2 be introduced 3. be published 4.be tested 5. be introdused 6. have met 7. be given
1 ответ
1.The exam could not be retaken. 2. I must be introduced to the chief engineer. 3. The article can be published next month. 4. This machine must be tested again. 5. You may be introduced to each other at the party. 6. They must be invited to our meeting. 7. She neednt be given a dictionary to translate the poem.
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