Нужна помощь по английскому языку. Помогите сделать 3,4 и 5 упражнения.

Нужна помощь по британскому языку.
Помогите сделать 3,4 и 5 упражнения.
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1 ответ
3) 1. Both the patient with bronchitis and the patient with pneumonia complain of the pain in the chest.
2.This medicine can be administered both orally and by injections.
3. Both moist and dry rales may be heard in the lungs in case of pneumonia.
4. The patient with bronchitis often complains of both - the pain in the throat and the pain behind the breastbone.

4) 1. The doctor didn't reveal neither dry nor moist rales.
2. The therapeutist didn't administer my brother neither a light diet nor a bed regimen.
3. The physician didn't observe neither changes in the liver nor changes in the kidneys.

5) 1. The patient with pneumonia is administered either streptovein or penicillin injections.

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