Кто шарит в британском помогите , что здесь надо сделать без

Кто шарит в британском помогите , что тут надобно сделать без понятия(простите за качество фото)спасибо

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1 ответ
1. My frends son2. Helens elder sister 3.my husbands the best suit 4. The studenrs answers 5. Their sons car 6. Our grannys spectacles 7. My nephews dog 8. My little nieces the toya 9. My naughty little sisters the new dress 10. My aunts and uncles the cottage
1.the girls dress is white 2. My friends aunt is very young 3. His sisters words are always clever 4.the womans face is very attractive.5. Dickenss novels Are very interesting, 6. My sister s in law letters are always very long. 7. My cousinss names are peter and John.8. My grannys spectacles are on the table.9. The girlss names are Betty and mary 10. My brother-in-laws boat is rather large.
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