нужно решить, перевести и разъяснить (даю 34 балла НОМЕР ОДИН Choose

Необходимо решить, перевести и разъяснить (даю 34 балла

Choose the correct item.(это задание. Если что его тоже перевести

1 On our holiday in Spain we are going to ... the local food.
a) taste b) read c) buy

2Don't forget to ... pictures at the wedding. Marisa is going to look beautiful.
a) make b) give c) take

3We can ... a car in Barcelona. It's not very expensive.
a) borrow b) hire c) heve

4My friends want to ... a rock concert next weekend. Do you want to come.
a) go b) visit c) attend

5We are going to ... the sights tomorrow. We're starting with the Eiffel Tower.
a) watch b) see c) look

6When l go to the beach l like to ... a jet sky. It's a lot of fun!
a) bring b) spend c) rent

7In California they are going to ... a lot of theme harks.
a) walk b) go c) visit

8It's nice to ... souvenirs from interesting places.
a) buy b) rent c) give

Write sentences using GOING TO, as in the example.(тоже самое- перевести

1Peter likes to be near the sea.
He/ walk/ beach.
He is going to walk on the beach.

2Anne studies local customs.
She/ learn/ local dances

3Jill, Betty and Ken are at a campsite
They/ sleen/ a tent

4My sister and l love history
We/ visit/ a museum.

Underline the correct item.(задание

1 It's too cold. I WILL / AM GOING TO ciose the window.

2 Jennifer IS FLYING / WILL FLY to Egypt on Saturday.

3 Ben is at the post office. He WILL / IS GOING TO post a letter.

4 Tonight we WILL HEVE / ARE HAVING dinner with the Smiths.

5 Ann is visiting Paris. She WILL / IS GOING TO see the Eiffel Tower

6 It's sunny outside. I AM GOING TO / WILL wear my sunglasses.

7 This suitcase is too heavy! l WILL / AM GOING TO help you carry it.

8 We haven't got any orages. WILL YOU BUY / ARE YOU BUYING some

Задать свой вопрос
1 ответ
2.Ann is going to learn local dances.
3.They are going to sleen a tent.
4.We are going to visit a museum.
2.is flying
3.is going to 
5.are having
8.will you buy
, оставишь ответ?

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