In groups, find information about a person who has helped improve

In groups, find information about a person who has helped improve conditions in your country for the school magazine.
Barrack Hospital, Scutari 14th November, 1854
Not a sponge, nor a rag of linen, not anything I have left. Everything is gone to make pillows and shirts. These poor feHows have not had a clean shirt nor been washed/or two months be/ore they came here, and the state in which they arrive from, the transport is literally crawling. I hope in a few days we shall establish a little cleanliness. But we have not a basin, nor a towel, nor a bit of soap, nor a broom - I have ordered 300 scrubbing brushes. But one half of the barrack is so out of repair that it is impossible to use a drop of water on the stone /loors, which are laid on rotten wood, and would give our men fever in no time.
Florence Nightingale was born in 1820 to a rich family. Her parents expected her to marry and have a family. But Florence did not want a 1)......(mean) life. She wanted to help the sick and the poor. 2)......(event), she persuaded her father to let her become a nurse. In i854, England, France and Turkey went to war against Russia (the Crimean War). Reports began to reach England of the 3)...... (terror) conditions soldiers were suffering in the army hospitals. Florence volunteered to go and help. When she arrived, she found thousands of ill and wounded soldiers living in filthy conditions.
The hospitals were 4)......(crowd) and unventilated. Soldiers lay without proper food, bedding and 5)......(cloth). There was a lack of basic medical supplies like bandages and medicine. Rats and sewage filled the hospital corridors. Soldiers were dying in the thousands, not from their wounds but from the unsanitary conditions. Florence cleaned up the hospital, мейд sure the men were fed 6)......(proper), and saw that supplies were available. She worked almost around the clock looking after the soldiers. Florence soon became known as the Lady with the Lamp for her 7)......(dedicate) to caring for her patients. News of her hard work in Crimea filtered back to London. She became a celebrity. By the time she arrived back in London, she was the most 8)......(fame) person in Britain after Queen Victoria.
After the war, Florence continued to work to improve conditions in hospitals. She even established a school for nursing and wrote an 9)...... (influence) book on the profession. She also became an important 10)...... (consult) on health issues. In fact, it was her work after the war that changed medical care forever.
In her later years, Florence suffered from ill health. She died in 1910, at the age of ninety.

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Ivan Betskoy was born on February 14, 1704. The out of wedlock son of a Russian prince, Betskoy spent his youth abroad. After returning to Russia upon his fathers request, he became involved in Russian politics. He later served as advisor to Catherine II. He focused his reforms on education and the arts. Influenced by French educational theory, he pushed for changes in the educational system that included schools for girls. Born himself out of wedlock and concerned about the high rate of infanticide, he founded two large homes for orphans and illegitimate children. His belief in the importance of the middleclass brought him to establish a commercial school in Moscow to encourage the development of a merchant class. His most important career achievement was the establishment of Russias first unified system of public education. He lived a long and influential life and died in 1796 at the age of 92. He will always be remembered for his significant reforms that created the foundation for Russias educational system.
Иван Бецкий родился 14 февраля, 1704 года. Незаконнорожденный сын русского принца, Бецкий провел свою молодость заграницей. После возвращения в Россию по просьбе отца, он начал учувствовать в политике Рф. Позднее он служил советчиком Екатерины II. Он сконцентрировал свои реформы на образовательной системе и искусстве. Под влиянием французской образовательной теории, он настаивал на конфигурациях в образовательной системе, что включало школы для женщин. Рожденный сам вне брака, и беспокоенный о высоком уровне детоубийства, он основал 2 великих дома для сирот и незаконнорожденных. Его вера в значимость средних классов привела его к основанию коммерческой школы в Москве, чтоб поддержать развитие купечества. Самым главным его достижением в карьере была организация первой единичной в Рф системы публичного образования. Он прожил длинную и важную жизнь и погиб в 1796 году в возрасте 92 лет. Его всегда будут держать в голове за его главные реформы, которые послужили основанием для российской образовательной системы.
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