Translate the sentence from the text into Russian. Answer the questions.

Translate the sentence from the text into Russian. Answer the questions.
.. .The Great Eastern remains one of the most important vessels in the history of shipbuilding the Trans-Atlantic cable had been laid, which meant that Europe and America now had a telecommunications link.
1 How many actions does the sentence describe? What are they?
2 In what chronological order did they happen? How do you know?
3 What tenses are used to describe the actions?
4 Do we know specifically who performed the actions? Why?/Why not?
5 Why is a passive form of the verb used for one of the actions?
6 Can you find another example of past perfect passive in the text? What is it?

Задать свой вопрос
1 ответ
1. How many actions does the sentence describe? What are they? (Сколько действий предложение обрисовывает? Какие?)
Three actions remains, had been laid, had. (три деянья)
2. In what chronological order did they happen? How do you know? (В каком хронологическом порядке они приключаются? Как вы поняли?)
Firstly, the cable had been laid, secondly Europe and America had a link, and thirdly, The Great Eastern remains one of the most important vessel in the history of shipbuilding. It is seen in the usage of tenses. (Во-первых, был заложен кабель, во-вторых у Европы и Америки были связи, и в-третьих, quot;Большой Восток quot; остается одним из самых важных кораблей в истории кораблестроения. Это проявляется в использовании времён).
3. What tenses are used to describe the actions? (Какие времена употребляются для описания действия?)
Present simple, past simple, past perfect passive.
4. Do we know specifically who performed the actions? Why?/Why not? (Знаем ли мы, в частности, кто выполнил действия? Почему?/Почему нет?)
There is no hint who performed the actions.(Нет намека на то, кто исполнял деяния)
5. Why is a passive form of the verb used for one of the actions? (Почему пассивная форма глагола употребляется для 1-го из деяний?)
Because it is not important to say who laid the cable, but it is important that the cable had been laid. (Потому что не главно, кто заложил кабель, главно, что кабель был проложен).
6. Can you find another example of past perfect passive in the text? What is it? (Сможете ли вы отыскать другой пример медли past perfect passive в тексте? Какой?)
The ship had been portrayed as a white elephant. (Корабль был изображен в виде белоснежного слона).
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