Read the theory box, then find examples of some of the

Read the theory box, then find examples of some of the different narrative techniques used in the story in Ex. 2.
There are different narrative techniques that you can use to liven up your story. These include:
nbsp; nbsp; using a variety of more complex adjectives and adverbs The terrified man started to shake uncontrollably.
nbsp; nbsp; avoiding simple verbs e.g. ate, walked, said, looked. Try to use more descriptive, complex verbs instead e.g.exclaimed, threatened, promised, shouted, stared, dashed, gobbled.
nbsp; nbsp; using your senses (sight, smell, touch, sound, taste) The leaves crackled under my feet as I walked.
nbsp; nbsp; using alliteration, or the repetition of a sound at the beginning or ending of words in a sentence He finally sot home, safe and sound at last.
nbsp; nbsp; using metaphors/similes to make a comparison between two things He was as thin as a rake (simile), she has a heart of stone (metaphor).
nbsp; nbsp; using present or past participles to make longer, more sophisticated sentences Shaking with cold, he wrapped a blanket around himself; Terrified, she ran away as fast as she could.
nbsp; nbsp; Hyperbole after what seemed like an eternity..., he was so hungry he could eat a horse.
nbsp; nbsp; use phrases which illustrate the characters feelings the little girl giggled with delight (shows happiness).

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complex adjectives and adverbs: steaming hot; gigantic; instantly; exhausting; skilful
трудные прилагательные и наречия: жаркий пар, громадный, безотлагательно, изнурительный, опытный

avoiding simple verbs: (the wind) rocked (the helicopters); (it) swallowed up (the helicopter)
избегание обычных глаголов: (ветер) качал (вертолет). (это) поглотило (вертолет)

use of senses: hot (coffee)
внедрение эмоций: горячий (кофе)

alliteration: safe and sound
аллитерация: в целостности и сохранности

metaphors/similes: wall of water
метафоры/сопоставления: стенка воды

participles: Hovering (150 feet above the water)
причастия: парящий (150 футов над водой)

hyperbole: without wasting a single second
гипербола: не расходуя ни единичной секунды

feelings: (Greg and the other rescue workers) watched in horror; were relieved
чувства: (Грег и другие спасатели) глядели в страхе. Выдохнули с облегчением
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