Look at the pictures about the sources of information in our

Look at the pictures about the sources of information in our life and say which of them has the strongest impact on your life and your values.
b Watch the video and follow the text. Then answer the questions:
1 Can video effect your attitude towards people and places?
2 What is your impression of Texas after watching the video?
Oh, welcome to our little party. Im so glad you could come.
It was very kind of you to ask me.
Are you enjoying your stay in America?
Yes. Im having a wonderful time.
How long have you been here?
I arrived last week.
Did you stay in New quot;York City?
Yes. just for a couple of days.
Did you go to the Whitney Museum?
No. I didnt have time.
Oh. too bad. You missed the Andy Warhol Exhibition. Did you go to any museums?
Yes, the Guggenheim. Its a fascinating building.
Oh, I suppose so. Did you go to the theatre?
Yes, I saw a musical on Broadway.
A musical? And you missed the Eugene ONeill Revival? Oh, too bad. You missed some wonderful performances.
Hey, dont you think you should offer our guest something to eat?
You come with me. Youre a foreigner, arent you?
Yes, thats right.
Where do you come from?
I come from...
Well. Im sorry I cant speak your language. I hope you can understand ours. 1 dont see too many foreigners where I come from in Texas. Where have you been so far?
Ive been to New York. Boston, Chicago...
And you havent been to Texas yet?
No. not yet.
I dont like New York. But I like Chicago. Do you think youll come to Texas?
Yes. if Ive got the time.
When you come. I can show you my oil wells. I like oil. Im taking about crude oil, naturally not this stuff some people put on their salads. I dont like salad oil. Would you like some?
Yes, I would. Thank you.
In Texas everything is big. Big hats. Big people. Big cars. Big everything. The bigger, the better.
Thais the little lady wife. Im sorry I cant stay any longer. Ive enjoyed talking to you about your country.
And Ive enjoyed talking to you too.
Ive got to go. Im flying back to Texas tonight... in my own private airplane.
I hope you have a nice journey.
Thank you. Bye now.

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1 ответ
Books play a very important part in our life. Books give us knowledge. Books tell us what there was, what there is now, and what will happen in the future. Our life without books is boring. Books teach us how to live because by reading we can learn a lot of information about times when people didnt know anything about computers and telephones. Books are the source of knowledge and knowledge can make us stronger and better.
Книжки играют очень главную роль в нашей жизни. Книги дают нам познания. Книги разговаривают нам, что было, что есть на данный момент, и что будет происходить в будущем. Наша жизнь без книг скучна. Книги учат нас, как жить, поэтому что, читая, мы можем выяснить много информации о медли, когда люди ничего не знали про компы и телефоны. Книжки являются источником знаний, а знания могут сделать нас сильнее и лучше.
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