This is Dreamers opinion about the city hed like to live

This is Dreamers opinion about the city hed like to live in.
What good points is he dreaming about? Fill in the bfanks with the appropriate affirmative or negative forms of there is/there are.
There is a nice river in rny city. There is no violence in my city.
a nice quiet river, clean and green streets, pollution.
__food problems.
__entertainment for young people.
__ many museums, theatres and parks.
__free public transport.

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there is, there are, there is no, there are no, there is, there are, there is

Could you tell me, what kind of vegetables and fruits you grow in your garden, please? I should be interested to know what are the major countrys exports and imports. I wonder if you could tetl me, what is the managers home telephone number. Excuse me, dyou know how I can get to the travel agency? Can you tefl me, what is your countrys climate in different seasons like?
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