Spend five minute writing a short summary of the text. Read

Spend five minute writing a short summary of the text. Read your summary to the class.
What do you get when you take the B from the Indian city of Bombay and exchange it 1) ...... the H in Hollywood? Bollywood, of course!
Bollywood is the nickname for the Indian film industry. Its 2) ......new - the first Indian short film was мейд in 1899 - and 3) ......days its massive! It is the largest film industry in the world, making up to eight hundred films a year - twice as many 4) ...... Hollywood. Sometimes, the films are мейд so fast that the same actors shoot scenes for four different films on the same set 5 ......the same time!
So, 6) ...... are actually plenty of differences between Bollywood and Hollywood! Firstly, Bollywood films are actually more like musicals, with lots of singing, dancing and colourful costumes. They are usually in the Hindi language and last three 7 ......four hours. They can be 8 ......family relationships, unusual coincidences or kidnappers and villains, but most often they are classic romantic tales of boy meets girl. In fact, some young people say that they find the storylines a 9 ......too predictable.
Bollywoods biggest audience outside India is in Britain, 10 ......many Indians went to live about fifty years 11 .......
Its not just Indians who watch the films, though. There have been some popular Bollywood films in English, such 12) ...... Bride and Prejudice and Monsoon Wedding.
There are even Bollywood waxworks at Madame Tussauds!
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The Indian film industry is called Bollywood. Its named after Hollywood in America. It is the largest film industry in the world, producing around eight hundred films yearly.
Bollywood productions are very musical and deal with themes such as love, marriage, family and crime.
Outside India, Bollywood has a large following in Britain, where both Indian and British fans enjoy popular Bollywood films.
Индийская киноиндустрия именуется Болливуд. Ее имя было дано от Голливуда в Америке. Это самая великая киноиндустрия в мире, производящая около 800 кинофильмов раз в год. Болливудские постановки очень музыкальные, и они имеют дело с такими темами как любовь, замужество, семья и преступность.
За пределами Индии, у Болливуда большое количество последователей в Британии, где как индийские, так и британские поклонники наслаждаются модными болливудскими фильмами.
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