Work in groups. You have been given the task to make

Work in groups. You have been given the task to make a proposal for a new prize. Follow the scheme and solve the problem.
Look at the suggestions you have in different ways, and be open to their possibilities.
Help each other to understand each suggestion better, and ask questions if necessary.
Make a list of all the suggestions with short explanations.
Put the suggestions in order of preference.
Think of the advantages and disadvantages of each suggestion.
Dont think that any suggestion might be a perfect solution. Think about a combination of different suggestions.
Choose one and prepare to present your prize proposal to the rest of the class.
Whether or not you achieved your goals, it is important to think about what you have learned from your experience, about yourself, and about what you consider important.

Задать свой вопрос
1 ответ
I would like to organize competition of the best cooks of our city. Participants will fight for an award quot;You Will Lick Fingersquot;. The winner will receive a big set of Rafaello sweets, diploma of the winner and a cash prize of 200,000 rubles. This award is given once a year, on June 10. Competition will take place in cafe in the centre of town. Those residents (it can be not only professional cooks) will become winners who will prepare as much as possible tasty dishes in two hours. During this time participants will need to make first course, second course, a dessert and two unusual drinks. At the end of competition, guests and participants taste all prepared dishes and put down for each of them a mark on a ten-point scale. I think this prize will stimulate citizens to improve their culinary skills.
Я бы хотела организовать соревнование лучших кулинаров нашего городка. Соучастники будут бороться за премию под названием quot;Пальчики оближешьquot;. Фаворит получит великий набор конфет Рафаэлло, диплом фаворита и денежный приз в размере 200,000 рублей. Эта заслуга присуждается один раз в год, 10 июня. Конкурс будет проходить в кафе в центре городка. Лауреатами станут те, обитатели городка (это могут быть не только проф кулинара), которые за два часа приготовят как можно больше лакомых блюд. За это время соучастникам необходимо будет приготовить 1-ое блюдо, второе блюдо, десерт и два необыкновенных напитка. В конце соревнования гости и соучастники дегустируют все приготовленные блюда и выставляют за каждое из их оценку по десятибалльной шкале. Я мыслю, этот приз будет провоцировать горожан улучшать кулинарные способности.
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