Read the first exchange in the dialogue. Where are Clara and

Read the first exchange in the dialogue. Where are Clara and Fiona: at the theatre? at a party? Which characters in Ex. 1 were in the play? Listen, read and check.
Clara: Your school play was exciting, Fiona. Thanks for inviting me.
Fiona: Im glad you enjoyed it, Clara. Everyone worked hard to stage Alice in Wonderland, Do you want to meet the actors?
Clara: Yes, Id love to, but... I cant tell who is who! I only remember them in their costumes on stage!
Fiona: OK, let me help you. Can you see the shor boy over there with the spiky, blond hair and freckles?
Clara: The one with the spiky hair?
Fiona: Yes. Thats Robert. He played the part of the White Rabbit!
Clara: Oh, really? He was very funny! What about the Duchess?
Fiona: Julie was the Duchess! Shes the tall, well built girl with the long, dark hair in the corner.
Clara: She looked huge in that big costume! And who played the Cheshire Cat?
Fiona: Oh, that was Matt, the boy next to the coffee table. The one with the short brown hair.
Clara: Hes so cute! Come on! I want you to introduce me to him first!
b) Read the dialogue again and mark as T (true) or F (false). Explain the words in bold. Mime or draw their meanings.
1 Clara didnt like the school play.
2 Clara doesnt know the names of the actors.
3 Robert has got curly hair.
4 Julie looked slim in her new costume.
5 Clara is interested in Matt.
с) Take roles and read out the dialogue.

Задать свой вопрос
1 ответ
They are at a party. (Они на вечеринке).
Alice and the Duchess were in the play. (Алиса и баронесса были на спектакле).
b) Прочитайте диалог опять и отметьте как T (Правильно) либо F (Ошибочно). Растолкуйте слова, выделенные жирным шрифтом. Изобразите мимически либо нарисуйте их значения.
1 Кларе не понравилась школьная пьеса.
2 Клара не знает имен актеров.
3 У Роберта кучерявые волосы.
4 Джулия смотрелась стройной в собственном новеньком костюмчике.
5 Клару интересует Мэтт.
1 F (ошибочно)
2 T (правильно)
3 F (неверно)
4 F (ошибочно)
5 T (правильно)
exciting (захватывающий): sth which makes you happy and enthusiastic (что-то, что делает вас счастливым и экзальтированным)
stage (сцена): part of theatre on which actors perform (часть театра, на которой выступают актеры)
cant tell (не может сказать): dont know (не знает)
blond (ясный): pale to white colour (белеть до белоснежного цвета)
part (роль): role (роль)
cute (милый): nice looking (симпатичный)
introduce (знакомить): meet and tell sb your name (повстречаться и сказать ваше имя)
, оставишь ответ?

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