Read the rest of the interview between Dave and Torn. Then

Read the rest of the interview between Dave and Torn. Then find the words and word combinations that describe BASE jumping as a dangerous sport. Do you think Tom is tolerant of the people around him. Use phrases from the text.
Dave: The спорт you are doing now... its called BASE jumping, isnt it? What kind of спорт is it? And how did it get the name BASE?
Tom: Its the most extreme of the extreme sports. Its like skydiving but no planes or helicopters are used. People jump from buildings, antennas, bridges (or spans) and cliffs (high parts of the Earth . This is why its called BASE. Its name is made from the first letters of Building, Antenna, Span and Earth.
Dave: It seems awfully dangerous to me.
Tom: Its obvious that the chance of injury is very high. Some jumpers say that it is as high as 90% and a bad injury or death is just a matter of time. Sometimes it happens that the parachute opens too late or doesnt open at all, or the jumper miscalculates the speed of the wind or fails to notice something that can make the jump fatal.
Dave: Its a very risky activity. Do you inte J to quit it?
Tom: No, the feeling I get during the jump means too much to me.
Dave: Are there many excited fans who are watching you when you are jumping*
Tom: If we jump from some cliffs somewhere in the countryside, onh my mates are there. But when we jump from buildings and antennas, there are a lot of people watching us. There have been some jumps from Nelson Column and St Pauls Cathedral. Can you imagine that?!
Dave: Tom, Ive got one last question. Do you realise that BASE jumping in cities can be a life-threatening activitv not only for you but for people around you? The fact is that you can cause serious traffic accidents or other dangers. People can get injured. The\ havent chosen to do this спорт but they still can suffer the consequences Its really not fair.
Tom: Well, I have to admit that Ive never thought about it that way before...

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1 ответ
1. the most extreme of the extreme sports
2. people jump from buildings, antennas, bridges and cliffs
3. awfully dangerous
4. the chance of injury is very high
5. a bad injury or death is just a matter of time
6. sometimes it happens that the parachute opens too late or doesnt open at all
7. the jumper miscalculates the speed of the wind or fails to notice something that can make the jump fatal
8. a life-threatening activity
9. a very risky activity
самый экстремальный из экстремальных видов спорта
люди прыгают со построек, антенн, мостов и скал (утесов)
страшно небезопасно
возможность повреждения тела очень высока
сильные телесные повреждения либо погибель это только вопрос времени
время от времени приключается такое, что парашют раскрывается слишком поздно либо не раскрывается вообщем
прыгун ошибочно рассчитывает скорость ветра либо не подмечает что-то, что может сделать прыжок смертельно небезопасным
грозящее жизни занятие
очень опасное занятие
, оставишь ответ?

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