Why are these children happy? Has anything really nice happened to

Why are these children happy? Has anything really nice happened to them? What have they done? Fill in the gaps with Present Perfect of the verbs from the box.
0. Im happy because my parents have redecorated my bedroom.
1. nbsp;I am really happy now because my dad ___________ me a bicycle! Wow!
2. nbsp;I am not happy at all. I __________ my
homework and my mum is going to come home very soon.
3. nbsp;Im nbsp;happy nbsp;today because nbsp;my nbsp;class________ nbsp;in
the swimming competition. nbsp;At nbsp;last!
4. nbsp;Im nbsp;happy now because nbsp;I nbsp;__________ nbsp;the nbsp;first
prize for my nbsp;handicraft.
5. nbsp;Im nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;really nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;happy nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;at nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;the nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;moment nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;because __________ primary school.
6. nbsp;My nbsp;nbsp;mum nbsp;nbsp;_______________ nbsp;nbsp;my nbsp;nbsp;favourite nbsp;nbsp;biscuits.
They nbsp;are very nbsp;nice!
7. nbsp;I nbsp;am nbsp;not nbsp;happy nbsp;at nbsp;all. nbsp;nbsp;My best nbsp;friend nbsp;__________
to nbsp;my birthday party.
8. nbsp;At nbsp;the nbsp;Art nbsp;lesson nbsp;I nbsp;nbsp;_______ nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;the nbsp;best nbsp;poster
in nbsp;the class! You nbsp;may have a look at it!

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