Complete the sentences translating the words in brackets. There is an

Complete the sentences translating the words in brackets. There is an example at the beginning (0).
0) Though the weather was bad and the rain started, the concert didnt stop and the famous group continued performing / continued to perform (продолжила выполнять) its most popular songs.
1) Cant help buying (не могу не покупать) tickets for the concert because I promised my children to go with them.
2) Please stop playing (закончите играть) the piano so loudly!
3) I hate asking (очень неловко просить) you to help me but you are the only person who can do it.
4) My sister likes to sing/ singing (любит напевать). And she sings anywhere.
5) My brother cant stand going/ hates to go(or going) (вытерпеть не может ходить) to the music school, he thinks its boring.
6) I am looking forward to/ look forward realizing (с нетерпением ожидаю получения) a new album of Madonna as a birthday present.
7) My friend began/ started to write/ writing (начал писать) music when he was 5. He is going to be a composer.
8) Though my parents hate hard rock, I cant stop listening to (не могу кинуть слушать) rock music every day.
9) I remember inviting (помню, что пригласила) Helen and Jonn to the party when I met them at the shopping centre.
10) I stopped to talk (тормознул, чтоб побеседовать) with my friend.

Задать свой вопрос
1 ответ
1) cant help buying;
2) stop playing;
3) hate asking;
4) likes to sing/singing;
5) cant stand going/hates to go (or going);
6) am looking forward to getting/look forward to getting;
7) began/ started to write/writing;
8) cant stop listening to;
9) remember inviting;
10) stopped to talk.
, оставишь ответ?

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