Which of the following do you think people do: before the

Which of the following do you think people do: before the day? on the actual day?
nbsp; nbsp; bake cakes and biscuits
nbsp; nbsp; listen to the bells chime midnight
nbsp; nbsp; clean their houses
nbsp; nbsp; kiss and wish each other Happy New Year
nbsp; nbsp; listen to traditional music
nbsp; nbsp; join hands and sing
nbsp; nbsp; visit friends and neighbours
A descriptive article describing an event (a carnival/festival) which takes place every year uses present tenses and normally includes:
nbsp; nbsp; an introduction in which we mention the name/type, time, place of the celebration and the reason we celebrate it.
nbsp; nbsp; a main body in which we describe the activities that happen before the actual event (put up decorations, prepare traditional food) and the actual event, in separate paragraphs.
nbsp; nbsp; a conclusion in which we describe peoples feelings (At the end of the day, everyone feels tired but happy.) and any other final comments on the event.

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before the day
bake cakes and biscuits (пекут пироги и булочки)
clean their houses (убирают свои дома)

on the actual day
listen to the bells chime midnight (внемлют звон колоколов в полночь)
kiss and wish each other Happy New Year (целуются и приветствуют друг друга quot;С Новым годомquot;)
listen to traditional music (слушают классическую музыку)
join hands and sing (берутся за руки и напевают)
visit friends and neighbours (навещают приятелей и соседей)
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