Here are some questions that foreigners may ask when in Russia.

Here are some questions that foreigners may ask when in Russia.
How would you explain these facts to foreigners?
Why do Russians build such colossal things as the Cathedral of Jesus Christ the Saviour, the Kremlins Palace, the Rossiya Hotel in Moscow, the Mother Russia
Why dont Russians trim the grass, bushes, or trees in the street, or even in the park? Everything just grows wild.
Why are winter posidelki so popular with Russians?
Why do Russian people often gather around the samovar on holidays or when guests come to their places?
Why do Russian men wear shapki and women platki even in summer?
Why do Russians take off shoes and leave them outside the door?

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They build such colossal things to show the magnificence of Russia and her nation
(Они строят такие колоссальные вещи, чтоб показать великолепие Рф и ее народа)
Russian people like wild nature and they think that everything should be natural
(российские люди обожают дикую природу, и они считают, что все обязано быть природным)
Usually Russians work a lot in summer and have free time in winter, so they gather together and chat.
(Обычно российские много работают летом, а зимой у их много свободного медли, потому они собираются вместе и разговаривают)
Tea tradition is very popular in Russia, and samovar is a special object inherent Russians.
(чайная традиция очень известна в России, а самовар это особый предмет, характерный русским)
Its just a tradition to cover head. In summer it saves from the sun rays, and in winter from cold
(Это просто традиция накрывать голову. Летом это выручает от солнечных лучей, а зимой от мороза)
Russians are very neat and tidy, so with purpose of cleanness of the house they leave shoes outside the door.
(российские очень чистоплотные и аккуратные, так, с целью чистоты дома, они оставляют обувь за дверью)
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