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Chasuble. Mr. Worthing,

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Chasuble. Mr. Worthing, I offer you my sincere condolence. You have at least the consolation of knowing that you were always the most generous and forgiving of brothers.
Cecily. What is the matter, Uncle Jack? Do look happy! You look as if you had toothache, and I have got such a surprise
for you. Who do you think is in the dining-room? Your brother!
Jack. Who?
Cecily. Your brother Ernest. He arrived about half an hour ago.
Jack. What nonsense! I havent got a brother.
Cecily. Oh, dont say that. However badly he may have behaved to you in the past he is still your brother. You couldnt be so heartless as to disown him
Chasuble. These are very joyful tiding Miss Prism. After we had all been resigned to his loss, his sudden return seems to me peculiarly distressing.Jack. My brother is in the dining-room? I dont know what it all means. I think it is perfectly absurd
Algernon. Brother John, I have come down from town to tell you that I am very sorry for all the
trouble I have given you, and that I intend to lead a better life in the future. [Jack glares at him and does not take his хэнд.]
Cecily. Uncle Jack, you are not going to refuse your own brothers hand?
Jack. Nothing will induce me to take his хэнд. I think his coming down here disgraceful. He knows perfectly well why
Algernon. [Crossing to her, and kneeling.] What a perfect angel you are, Cecily.
Cecily. You dear romantic boy. [He kisses her, she puts her fingers through his hair.] I hope your hair curls naturally, does it?
Algernon. Yes, darling, with a little help from others.
Cecily. I am so glad
Algernon. Youll never break off our engagement again, Cecily
Cecily. I dont think I could break it off now that I have actually met you. Besides, of course, there is the question of your name.
Algernon. Yes, of course. [Nervously.]
Cecily. You must not laugh at me, darling, but it had always been a girlish dream of mine to love some one whose name was Ernest. [Algernon rises, Cecily also.] There is something in that name that seems to inspire absolute confidence. I pity any poor married woman whose husband is not called Ernest
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nbsp;(*ответ*) Cecily. Uncle Jack, do be nice. There is some good in every one. Ernest has just been telling me about his poor invalid friend Mr. Bunbury whom he goes to visit so often. And surely there must be much good in one who is kind to an invalid, and leaves the pleasures of London to sit lt;
by a bed of pain.
Jack. Oh! he has been talking about Bunbury, has he?
Cecily. Yes, he has told me all about poor Mr. Bunbury, and his terrible state of health.
[Enter Merriman.]
Merriman. The dog-cart is at the door, sir. [Algernon looks appealingly at Cecily.]
Cecily. It can wait, Merriman for... five minutes
Merriman. Yes, Miss. [Exit Merriman.]
Algernon. I hope, Cecily, I shall not offend you if I state quite frankly and openly that you seem to me to be in every way the visible personification of absolute perfection
Cecily. I think your frankness does you great credit, Ernest. If you will allow me, I will copy your remarks into my diary. [Goes over to table and begins writing in diary.]
Algernon. Do you really keep a diary? Id give anything to look at it. May I
Algernon. But was our engagement ever broken off?
Cecily. Of course it was. On the 22nd of last March. You can see the entry if you like. [Shows diary.] To-day I broke off my engagement with Ernest. I feel it is better to do so. The weather still continues charming.
Algernon. But why on earth did you break it off? What had I done? I had done nothing at all. Cecily, I am very much hurt indeed to hear you broke it off. Particularly when the weather was so charming.
Cecily. It would hardly have been a really serious engagement if it hadnt been broken off at least once. But I forgave you before the week was out
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nbsp;(*ответ*) Cecily. Oh no. [Puts her hand over it.] You see, it is simply a very young girls record of her own thoughts and impressions, and consequently meant for publication. When it appears in volume form I hope you will order a copy. But pray, Ernest, dont stop. I delight in taking down from dictation. I have reached lt;
absolute perfection. You can go on. I am quite ready for more.
Algernon. [Somewhat taken aback.] Ahem! Ahem!
Cecily. Oh, dont cough, Ernest. When one is dictating one should speak fluently and not cough. Besides, I dont know how to spell a cough. [Writes as Algernon speaks.]
Algernon. [Speaking very rapidly.] Cecily, ever since I first looked upon your wonderful and incomparable beauty, I have dared to love you wildly, passionately, devotedly, hopelessly.
Cecily. I dont think that you should tell me that you love me wildly, passionately, devotedly, hopelessly. Hopelessly doesnt seem to make much sense, does it?
Algernon. Cecily!
[Enter Merriman.]
Merriman. The dog-cart is waiting, sir.
Algernon. Tell it to come round next week, at the same hour.
Merriman. [Looks at Cecily, who makes no sign.] Yes, sir.
[Merriman retires.]
Cecily. Uncle Jack would be very much annoyed if he knew you were staying on till next week, at the same hour
Algernon. Darling! And when was the engagement actually settled?
Cecily. On the 14th of February last. Worn out by your entire ignorance of my existence, I determined to end the matter one way or the other, and after a long struggle with myself I accepted you under this dear old tree here The next day I bought this little ring in your name, and this is the little bangle
with the true lovers knot I promised you always to wear.
Algernon. Did I give you this? Its very pretty, isnt it?
Cecily. Yes, youve wonderfully good taste, Ernest. Its the excuse Ive always given for your leading such a bad life. And this is the box in which I keep all your dear letters. [Kneels at table, opens box, and produces letters tied up with blue ribbon.]

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