Paul talks about his summer holidays.
Fill in the gaps with

Paul talks about his summer holidays.
Fill in the gaps with the correct verb forms. There is an example (0) at the begin ning.
Usually nbsp;nbsp;we nbsp;nbsp;(0) nbsp;nbsp;take nbsp;nbsp;(take) nbsp;nbsp;trips nbsp;nbsp;on nbsp;nbsp;our nbsp;nbsp;holidays. nbsp;nbsp;We nbsp;nbsp;often
(1) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.____.__ nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(spend) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;holidays nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;in nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Spain. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Last nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;summer nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;we
(2) _________ (be) in Spain. We (3) _______ (have) a great time
there. I (4) _______ (swim) a lot, (5) _______ (fish) in the river
and (6) _______ (ride) a bike. The weather (7) _______ (be) very
nice. I think we (8) _______ (go) to Spain next summer, too.

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1 ответ
Usually we (0) take trips on our holidays. We often (1) spend holidays in Spain. Last summer we (2) were in Spain. We (3) had a great time mere, I (4) swam a lot, (5) fished in the river and (6) rode a bike. The weather (7) was very nice. I think we (8) will so to Spain next summer too.
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