Read the main body paragraphs (2-4) in the model essay again.

Read the main body paragraphs (2-4) in the model essay again. What is the main idea of each paragraph? Which sentence is it in?
A nbsp;In addition to this, teenagers who have a job earn their own money and this has several advantages. Parents who are perhaps struggling financially, for example, will no longer need to find pocket money for their son or daughter. Furthermore, when teenagers earn their own money, they are usually more careful when deciding how to spend it. In this way, they learn how to handle money responsibly.
B nbsp;Is it a good idea for teenagers to have part-time jobs while they are still at school? In my view, teenagers who have part-time jobs gain more than just money from their experience. I believe, therefore, that both parents and teachers should encourage teenagers to work part-time.
C nbsp;To conclude, the way I see it, teenagers learn both refeponsibility and independence through a part-time job. Why not learn some important life lessons at an early age? After all, as they say, quot;Todays teenagers are tomorrows adults.quot;
D nbsp;To start with, getting a job teaches young adults early in life how to become reliable individuals and citizens. An employer expects you to do your job well, and when someone depends on you, you feel a sense of responsibility. Moreover, a part-time job can teach valuable skills essential for your future career, such as learning to be on time, handling money and dealing with customers.
E nbsp;On the other хэнд, some people argue that its unwise for teenagers to work while still studying. In particular, they fear that having a job can take up too much time and cause a students school work to suffer seriously.

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- para 2 getting a job teaches young adults how to become reliable individuals and citizens
абзац 2. Получение работы учит юных взрослых тому, как стать надежной персоною и гражданином
- para 3 teenagers who have a job earn their own money
абзац 3. Тинейджеры с работой зарабатывают свои собственные средства
- para 4 some people argue that it is unwise for teenagers to work while still studying
абзац 4. Некие люди спорят о том, что глупо для тинэйджеров работать во время учебы

The main idea of each paragraph is expressed in the first sentence of each main body paragraph.
Основная идея абзаца выражена в первом предложении каждого абзаца.
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