What does it mean to puke?
nbsp;(*ответ*) тошнить.

What does it mean to puke?
nbsp;(*ответ*) тошнить.
What does it mean to tee off?
nbsp;(*ответ*) стукнуть мячик в гольфе.
nbsp;ударить ногой мяч в американском футболе.
nbsp;1-ый ход в шашках.
nbsp;бросать мяч в корзину в баскетболе.
What does to chew the rag mean?
nbsp;(*ответ*) поболтать.
nbsp;съесть тряпку.
What is a crew cut?
nbsp;(*ответ*) стрижка ежиком.
nbsp;стричь собаку.
nbsp;краткий путь.
nbsp;уменьшить количество экипажа.
What is a highball?
nbsp;(*ответ*) виски с водой.
nbsp;маневр в бейсболе.
nbsp;маневр в баскетболе.
nbsp;водка с соком.
What is a moron?
nbsp;(*ответ*) кретин.
What is a pervert?
nbsp;(*ответ*) извращенец.
nbsp;слишком много чего-или.
nbsp;горизонтальное положение.
What is a pimple?
nbsp;(*ответ*) прыщ.
What is a virgin?
nbsp;(*ответ*) человек, у которого нет опыта в сексе.
nbsp;полевое растение.
nbsp;коктейль с джином.
nbsp;Штат в юго-восточной Америке.
What is an undertaker?
nbsp;(*ответ*) гробовщик.
nbsp;человек, занимающийся делом.
What is Canasta?
nbsp;(*ответ*) карточная забава.
nbsp;город около Нью-Йорка.
nbsp;итальянское блюдо.
What is checkers?
nbsp;(*ответ*) шашки.
nbsp;люди, которые кидают что-или.
nbsp;карточная забава.
What is fencing?
nbsp;(*ответ*) вид спорта со шпагами.
nbsp;маневр в баскетболе.
nbsp;южноамериканский футбол.
nbsp;вид спорта с шайбой.
What is Holdens favorite cocktail?
nbsp;(*ответ*) Scotch and soda.
What movie did Holden, Ackley and Brossard see?
nbsp;(*ответ*) They didnt see a movie.
nbsp;The Catcher in the Rye.
nbsp;The Return of the Native.
nbsp;Out of Africa.
What reason did Holden give Mrs. Morrow why he couldnt come for a visit?
nbsp;(*ответ*) He was going to South America with his grandmother.
nbsp;He didnt tell her why.
nbsp;He was going to travel around Europe.
nbsp;He hated her son and would have nothing to do with the family.
What reason did Holden give Sunny why he didnt want to have sex with her?
nbsp;(*ответ*) He had just had an operation.
nbsp;He couldnt afford her prices.
nbsp;She was ugly.
nbsp;He was still a virgin.
What was between each room in the dormitory?
nbsp;(*ответ*) A shower.
nbsp;A refrigerator.
nbsp;A closet.
nbsp;A bathroom.
What was strange in how Jane Gallagher played checkers?
nbsp;(*ответ*) She never moved her kings.
nbsp;She always won.
nbsp;She got the colors mixed up.
nbsp;She could never remember the rules.
What was the favor that Stradlater asked Holden to do for him?
nbsp;(*ответ*) To write an essay.
nbsp;To clean up the room.
nbsp;To lend him some money.
nbsp;To хэнд him a towel.
What was the name of the book D.B. wrote?
nbsp;(*ответ*) The Secret Goldfish.
nbsp;Ziegfields Follies.
nbsp;Out of Africa.
nbsp;Of Human Bondage.
What was wrong with Mr. Spencer?
nbsp;(*ответ*) He had the grippe.
nbsp;He had just undergone an operation.
nbsp;Nothing. He was on vacation.
nbsp;He was dying of cancer.

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