Choose the right preposition: He walked very modestly behind them. He

Choose the right preposition: He walked very modestly behind them. He was not willing to spoil спорт. About Rebecca and Jos he did not care a fig. But he thought Amelia worthy even of the brilliant George Osborne, and as he saw that good-looking couple threading the walks to the girls delight and wonder, he watched her artless happiness _ a sort of fatherly pleasure. Perhaps he felt that he would have liked to have something on his own arm besides a shawl (the people laughed at seeing the gawky young officer carrying this female burthen); but William Dobbin was very little addicted to selfish calculation at all; and so long as his friend was enjoying himself, how should he be discontented
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Choose the right preposition: Her behaviour was so affecting that he was going to write her a cheque _ twenty pounds more
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Choose the right preposition: High and low, all мейд fun _ him. They sewed up those corduroys, tight as they were
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Choose the right preposition: His son had entered the army: and young Osborne followed presently in the same regiment. They had served _ the West Indies and in Canada
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Choose the right preposition: In those famous days every gazette had a victory in it, and the two gallant young men longed to see their own names in the glorious list, and cursed their unlucky fate to belong to a regiment which had been away _ the chances of honour
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Choose the right preposition: It is to be understood, as a matter of course, that our young people, being in parties of two and two, мейд the most solemn promises to keep together during the evening, and separated in ten minutes afterwards. Parties at Vauxhall always did separate, but twas only to meet again _ supper-time, when they could talk of their mutual adventures in the interval
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Choose the right preposition: It now became clear to every soul in the house, except poor Amelia, that Rebecca should take her departure, and high and low (always _ the one exception) agreed that that event should take place as speedily as possible
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Choose the right preposition: It was, of course, Mrs. Sedleys opinion that her son would demean himself _ a marriage with an artists daughter
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Choose the right preposition: Miss Sharp kindled with this exciting talk, but Miss Sedley trembled and grew quite faint as she heard it. Mr. Jos told several of his tiger-hunting stories, finished the one about Miss Cutler and Lance the surgeon; helped Rebecca to everything _ the table, and himself gobbled and drank a great deal
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Choose the right preposition: Mr. Sedley was neutral. Let Jos marry whom he likes, he said; its no affair of mine. This girl has no fortune; no more had Mrs. Sedley. She seems good-humoured and clever, and will keep him _order, perhaps. Better she, my dear, than a black Mrs. Sedley, and a dozen of mahogany grandchildren.
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Choose the right preposition: Now, William Dobbin, from an incapacity to acquire the rudiments of the above language, as they are propounded in that wonderful book the Eton Latin Grammar, was compelled to remain among the very last of Doctor Swishtails scholars, and was taken down continually _ little fellows with pink faces and pinafores when he marched up with the lower form, a giant amongst them, with his downcast, stupefied look, his dogs-eared primer, and his tight corduroys
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Choose the right preposition: Once or twice Jos had been on the point _ saying something very important to her, to which she was most willing to lend an ear, but the fat fellow could not be brought to unbosom himself of his great secret, and very much to his sisters disappointment he only rid himself of a large sigh and turned away
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Choose the right preposition: Our good child ransacked all her drawers, cupboards, reticules, and gimcrack boxes - passed _ review all her gowns, fichus, tags, bobbins, laces, silk stockings, and fallals - selecting this thing and that and the other, to make a little heap for Rebecca
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Choose the right preposition: She kissed Mr. Sedleys хэнд, when he presented her _ the purse; and asked permission to consider him for the future as her kind, kind friend and protector
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Choose the right preposition: She looked as happy as a rose-tree _ sunshine
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Choose the right preposition: She мейд her preparations _ departure with great equanimity; and accepted all the kind little Amelias presents, after just the proper degree of hesitation and reluctance
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Choose the right preposition: She vowed eternal gratitude to Mrs. Sedley, _course; but did not intrude herself upon that good lady too much, who was embarrassed, and evidently wishing to avoid her
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Choose the right preposition: So that everything seemed to smile upon Rebeccas fortunes. She took Joss arm, as a matter of course, on going to dinner; she had sate by him on the box of his open carriage (a most tremendous buck he was, as he sat there, serene, in state, driving his greys), and though nobody said a word on the subject of the marriage, everybody seemed to understand it. All she wanted was the proposal, and ah! how Rebecca now felt the want of a mother! - a dear, tender mother, who would have managed the business _ ten minutes, and, in the course of a little delicate confidential conversation, would have extracted the interesting avowal from the bashful lips of the young man
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Choose the right preposition: Such was the state _ affairs as the carriage crossed Westminster bridge
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Choose the right preposition: The fact is, Miss Amelia, in the drawing-room balcony, was looking very eagerly towards the opposite side of the Square, where Mr. Osborne dwelt, _ the watch for the lieutenant himself; and Miss Sharp, from her little bed-room on the second floor, was in observation until Mr. Josephs great form should heave in sight
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Choose the right preposition: The parents at home had acquiesced in the arrangement, though, between ourselves, old Mr. Sedley had a feeling very much akin _ contempt for his son
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Choose the right preposition: The party was landed at the Royal Gardens _ due time
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