Fill in: boring, unwind, reserved, audience, superstitious, released, legend, spectacular, miss,

Fill in: boring, unwind, reserved, audience, superstitious, released, legend, spectacular, miss, daylight.
1 Its on TV tonight at 9 pm. You
2 The performance was........Everyone enjoyed it.
3 My grandmother believes in ghosts. Shes very
4 It doesnt take long for films to be ......... on DVD these days.
5 The hip-hop concert was terrible. The .........hated it.
6 The tickets for the play were so expensive it felt like.........robbery.
7 After school she likes to ......... by listening to music.
8 Most people think Elvis was a rock n roll.........
9 He has.........ten seats for the show.
10 I couldnt finish reading

Задать свой вопрос
1 ответ
1 miss (пропустить)
2 spectacular (впечатляющий)
3 superstitious (суеверная)
4 released (выпустили)
5 audience (публика)
6 daylight (день)
7 unwind (расслабляться)
8 legend (легенда)
9 reserved (забронировал)
10 boring (кислый)
, оставишь ответ?

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