Выберите правильный вариант ответов: A common carrier is...
nbsp;(*ответ*) a

Изберите верный вариант ответов: A common carrier is...
nbsp;(*ответ*) a person who by profession carries goods on hire.
nbsp;a person with irresistible wish to steal.
nbsp;a truck.
nbsp;a person seuds goods for delivery.
Изберите верный вариант ответов: A joint stock company is... an association of many person who contribute money to a common stock and employ it in some business.
nbsp;(*ответ*) a company having limited liability.
nbsp;an international company.
nbsp;and duties separate from those of its members.
nbsp;a group of people who are permitted by law to act as a single unit, with rights
Изберите правильный вариант ответов: A notary public is...
nbsp;(*ответ*) an official with authority to do certain kinds of legal businesses.
nbsp;a group of people with authority to do certain kind of legal businesses.
nbsp;a notorious forger.
nbsp;a synonym of quot;the holder in due coursequot;.
Изберите верный вариант ответов: A wrongful act wilfully committed by the master and the crew to the prejudice of the charterer or the owner of the ship is called...
nbsp;(*ответ*) barratry.
nbsp;act of the Queen s enemies.
Изберите верный вариант ответов: Bills that are drawn, accepted and put into circulation without any consideration passing, the signatories lending their names to oblige their friends, are called...
nbsp;(*ответ*) accommodation bills.
nbsp;share warrants.
nbsp;bills of landing.
nbsp;bills of exchange.
Выберите правильный вариант ответов: It the space on the back of a bell of exchange is insufficient to contain all the names of the intended indorsers a ship of paper called... is atached to it.
nbsp;(*ответ*) an allonge.
nbsp;a notice of dishonour.
Изберите верный вариант ответов: Lay days are...
nbsp;(*ответ*) the days allowed to the charterer for loading and unloading the ship.
nbsp;the day when wages are paid to the crew.
nbsp;the days when a ship is open to the public.
nbsp;the crew s days off.
Изберите правильный вариант ответов: Shares to which a priority of enjoyment of profits is given are called:
nbsp;(*ответ*) preference shares.
nbsp;share holders.
nbsp;share warrants.
nbsp;ordinary shares.
Изберите верный вариант ответов: The quot;Act of Godquot; is...
nbsp;(*ответ*) an unforeseen accident of natural cause which could not have been preveuted.
nbsp;a non - registered marriage.
nbsp;a medieval penal code.
nbsp;a low concerning religion.
Выберите верный вариант ответов: The most common way in which a company borrows money is by the issue of...
nbsp;(*ответ*) debentures.
nbsp;share certificates.
nbsp;bills ofexchange.
Изберите правильный вариант ответов: The person who draws the bill is termed the...
nbsp;(*ответ*) drawer.
nbsp;sales manager.
Изберите правильный вариант ответов: The person who indorses a bill to another person is termed the...
nbsp;(*ответ*) indorser.
Изберите правильный вариант ответов: To minimue the risks run through or forgery it has become the common practice when paying account for the drawer of the cheque to... it.
nbsp;(*ответ*) cross.
Изберите верный вариант ответов: When a drawee refuses to accept a bill, this bill is said to be...
nbsp;(*ответ*) dishonoured.
Дополните реплики: Mr. Robinson, may I introduce you to Mr. Watson? -...
nbsp;(*ответ*) Oh, pleased to meet you, Mr. Watson.
nbsp;How do you do?
nbsp;Yes, of course.
nbsp;Me too.
Дополните реплики: What... (to happen) at the meeting (past simple)?
nbsp;(*ответ*) happened
nbsp;did happen
Дополните высказывания: Which... (to cost) more (simple present)?
nbsp;(*ответ*) costs
nbsp;does cost
Поменяйте фразы, уместные в переписке, их более официальными эквивалентами: Here are some brochures.
nbsp;(*ответ*) Please find enclosed some brochures.
nbsp;Please enquire about our brochures.
nbsp;Please send brochures under separate cover.
nbsp;Please enclose some brochures.
Замените фразы, уместные в переписке, их более официальными эквивалентами: I am sorry to tell you that the delivery will be delayed.
nbsp;(*ответ*) I regret to advise you that the delivery will be delayed.
nbsp;Unfortunately the delivery will be delayed.
nbsp;It s a pity that the delivery will be delayed.
nbsp;I have pleasure to inform you that the delivery will be delayed.
Замените фразы, уместные в переписке, их более официальными эквивалентами: If you want any more information, please contact me.
nbsp;(*ответ*) If you require any further infirmation do not hesitate to contact me.
nbsp;Since not being informed to the highest degree of accuracy, I am forced to enquire about the above mentioned subject again.
nbsp;Due to the lack of information, I would like you to contact me.
nbsp;If you want to know anything else about it, call me any time.
Замените фразы, уместные в переписке, их более официальными эквивалентами: Please can you tell me your prices?
nbsp;(*ответ*) I would be grateful if you could tell me your prices.
nbsp;I am sorry that your prices have gone up.
nbsp;Thank you for the information concerning your prices.
nbsp;I am pleased to know your prices.
Поменяйте фразы, уместные в переписке, их более официальными эквивалентами: Thanks for your letter of 7th April.
nbsp;(*ответ*) I am in receipt of your letter dated 7th April.
nbsp;Please find enclosed your letter of 7th April.
nbsp;I am writing with reference to your letter of 7th April.
nbsp;I have just got your letter of 7th April.

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