Макe questions out of the given words. The first and the

Макe questions out of the given words. The first and the last words of each question are underlined.
nbsp; nbsp; you music What listen if this evening? to had some you free time would
nbsp; nbsp; might wanted you dance, music what choose? If to you
nbsp; nbsp; musical you If could play a instrument, what be? would it instrument
nbsp; nbsp; be? you a famous you If pop could singer, who become would
nbsp; nbsp; How would life be were famous? different if you your
The most meaningful activities in my life revolve around music. When I listen to my stereo or play my drum set, I leave this world and enter one of my own where time stands still. I have been a fan of music since I was nine and listened to bands like U2 [CG] and singer Bryan Adams [CG]
Besides just listening to music. I have been playing the drums almost every day for five years and have the calluses to prove it! It was my older brothers who taught me almost everything I know about music, drumming and life in general. Theyre the real reason Im interested in becoming a musician. My tastes in music have totally changed and matured since I began listening and playing years ago. but the fact remains that without music, my life would not be complete
When I am not listening to music or playing the drums, I play with my punk band called Never Again. We have only been together for three months, but we work hard. Besides doing the percussion, I also write lyrics. This is always a good way for me to express any bottled-up emotions I have.
I cant imagine my world without music. I am not sure what I would do with my time. Creating, practicing and writing lyrics for my band has become the фокус of my life. I dream of playing in front of thousands of fans in a sold-out arena where my music and words could be heard by everyone.
Darren, 16nbsp; nbsp; (From Teenlnk magazine)

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1 ответ
What music would you listen tо if you had some free lime this evening? (Какую музыку вы бы слушали, если бы у вас было свободное время этим вечером?)
If you wanted to dance, what music might you choose? (Если бы вы желали плясать, какую музыку вы бы избрали?)
If you could play a musical instrument, what instrument would it be? (Если бы вы могли играть на музыкальном приборе, какой бы это был инструмент?)
If you could become a famous pop singer, who would you be? (Если бы вы могли стать знаменитым поп певцом, кем бы вы были?)
How would your life be different if you were famous? (Как бы поменялась ваша жизнь, если бы вы стали знаменитым?)
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