Read the rubrics below and find the key words. Then discuss:

Read the rubrics below and find the key words. Then discuss: reason for writing; who will read the letter/email; how you would begin/end; what style you would write in; what information you would include in each paragraph.
A visiting speaker recently came to your school to give a talk on peer pressure. Your teacher has asked you to write a letter on behalf of your class to thank her (120-150 words). Include:
why your class appreciated the talk
if she can come again and speak to another class
You are studying in England. Your English friend, Tom, has sent you an email with a request. Read Toms email and the notes you have мейд. Reply to Toms email, using all your notes. (120-150 words)
Hi Paula,
At last school is over! Im so happy Ive finished my exams!
Some friends and I are going on a camping holiday this summer. Do you want to come along?
Do you have any camping equipment We could use? I know that you have been camping in the past.
Hope you can come. If you have any questions, just ask!
Write back soon,

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1 ответ
A key words: talk on peer pressure, write letter, on behalf of class, thank her (главные слова: говорить о давлении сверстников, писать письмо, от имени класса, благодарить ее)

reason for writing: thank and invite (причина написания: признательность и приглашение)
who will read the letter/email: visiting speaker (кто напишет письмо/электрическое письмо: гость)
how to begin/end: Dear Mrs + (surname /Regards, (full name) (кто начнет/окончит: Дорогая Миссис + (фамилия /С почтением, (полное имя )
what style to write in: semi-formal (в каком стиле писать: полуофициальное)
B key words: English friend, Tom, request, email, notes (ключевые слова: британский друг, Том, просьба, письмо, заметки)
reason for writing: invite and give information (причина написания: пригласить и дать информацию)
who will read the letter/email: Tom (a friend) (кто прочтет письмо/электрическое письмо: Том (друг )
how to begin/end: Hi Tom!/Lots of love, Paula (кто начнет/окончит: Привет Том!/С любовью, Паула)
what style to write in: informal (в каком стиле писать: неформальном)
what information to include in each paragraph A amp; B: (какую информацию включить в каждый абзац А и В)

para 1 opening remarks/reason for writing (часть 1 начать с заметок/причин написания)
paras 2, 3 main subject(s) of letter/ email (часть 2,3 главные темы письма/электрического письма)
para 4 closing remarks (часть 4 заканчивающие пометки)
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