Describe the pictures. How do you think this woman мейд a

Describe the pictures. How do you think this woman мейд a difference to our world? Read the sentences A-E below and try to guess her story.
A Her killer, probably a poacher, was never found.
B Tragically, on New Years Day, 1978, Dian found he had been killed by poachers.
C She didnt have any children herself.
D However, she had always had a desire to see more of the world.
E Over time, Dian came to know the gorillas as individuals and gave them all names.

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In the pictures we can see Dian Fossey who is communicating and playing with mountain gorillas and watching their behaviour. This woman seems to be really happy. She definitely мейд a difference to our world by saving these innocent animals from extinction and fighting against savage poachers.
I think she is a zoologist because she loves animals. Maybe she decided to go to Africa to see the wildlife and study her beloved gorillas. But one day her favourite gorilla was killed by the poachers. I guess Dian declared war on the poachers and became a target for violence.
На картинах мы видим Дайан Фосси, которая разговаривает и играет с горными гориллами и следит за их поведением. Эта дама, кажется, вправду счастлива. Она точно изменила мир, спасая этих безвинных животных от исчезновения и сражаясь против бешеных браконьеров.
Я мыслю, что она - зоолог, поэтому что она любит животных. Вероятно, она решила поехать в Африку, чтобы узреть дикую природу и выучить ее возлюбленных горилл. Но единожды ее любимая горилла была убита браконьерами. Я предполагаю, что Дайан объявила войну браконьерам и сама стала целью насилия.
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