How can we stay healthy? How healthy do you think you

How can we stay healthy? How healthy do you think you are? Do the quiz to check. Do you agree with the score?
1 Youre starving! What do you have as a snack?
a an apple and a glass of milk
b nothing Ill wait until dinner
с a bag of crisps, some biscuits and a fizzy drink
2 Youve got an important Maths test! What do you have for breakfast?
a cereal with milk and a glass of orange juice so I can concentrate well in the test
b a cereal bar to eat on the way that way. I have time for some last-minute revision
с nothing
3 Youre feeling a bit tired but you havent done any exercise for a few days. What will you do?
a join in a game of football in the park for half an hour
b relax tonight and go to the gym tomorrow
с relax on the sofa and watch TV
4 Theres a good film on TV later, but you have to get up early tomorrow. What do you do?
a record the film and go to bed
b stay up to watch the film
с watch the film, then check my emails
5 Youve had a terrible day. How will you let off steam?
a play tennis with a friend, then talk through my problems
b sit in front of the TV and try to forget
с cry all night
Your score
Mostly AS: Well done! You know how you need to live to stay healthy. Keep it up but dont forget to treat yourself once in a while, too! The key is to have a balanced life.
Mostly Bs: Good nutrition, exercise and plenty of rest and sleep is needed for good health. Make some small changes and youll feel a lot healthier!
Mostly Cs: You have terrible habits! Stressing out. eating badly and not sleeping enough is a recipe for disaster Make some changes!

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1 ответ
We can stay healthy by eating a balanced diet and getting plenty of exercise. I think Im fairly healthy as I watch what I eat and try to include lots of fresh fruit and vegetables. I also play on a basketball team every weekend, which helps keep me fit.
Mostly Cs: I admit that I have some bad habits like eating junk food and going to bed late sometimes. However, I dont eat junk food all the time and try to include healthier options too. Also, if I have a late night I always try to make up for it by going to bed much earlier the next night. I dont think Im a very stressed kind of person, either, so I feel I should be between the Mostly Bs and Mostly Cs categories.
Мы можем оставаться бодрствующими, имея сбалансированное кормление и исполняя комплекс упражнений. Я мыслю, я справедливо здоров, так как я смотрю, что я ем и пытаюсь включать туда много фруктов и овощей. Я также играю в баскетбол каждую неделю, который подсобляет мне оставаться здоровым.
Большая часть ответов С: Я подмечаю, что у меня есть несколько плохих привычек: ем вредную пищу и ложусь поздно иногда. Но, я не ем вредную еду непрерывно и пробую включить здоровые элементы тоже. Также, если я поздно лег, я всегда стараюсь приспособиться к этому, ложась дремать раньше на следующую ночь. Я не мыслю, что я очень напряжен, потому я ощущаю, что обязан быть в категории меж ответами В и С.
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