Read the theory box. Correct the mistakes in sentences 1-4

Read the theory box. Correct the mistakes in sentences 1-4
Capital letters. In English we use capital letters after full stops and for names (John), the personal pronoun I and days of the week (Monday), months (April) and names of countries (Russia).

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Capital letters. In English we use capital letters after full stops and for names (John), the personal pronoun I and days of the week (Monday), months (April) and names of countries (Russia). Большие буковкы. В английском языке большие буковкы ставятся после точки и в именах, личном местоимении Я и деньках недели, месяцах и заглавии стран.


  1. Sarah is 15. Shes in my Geography class.
  2. Their names are Claire and Steve Lennon.
  3. Shes Nora and Im Phil. We are from England.
  4. The Art class is in room D on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
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