Ask questions according to the situations and answer them.
0, nbsp;John,

Ask questions according to the situations and answer them.
0, nbsp;John, dont stand at the teachers desk, please! IS John Standing at the teachers desk?
Yes, he IS. John is Standing at the teachers desk.
1. nbsp;William, dont eat in class, please! _________ William _________ in class?
Yes,___________William________________ nbsp;in class.
2. nbsp;Dont nbsp;feed nbsp;the nbsp;monkey, nbsp;Max! nbsp;Its nbsp;dangerous! What nbsp;_______ nbsp;nbsp;Max nbsp;__________________?
He________________the monkey.
3. nbsp;Are you nbsp;going to help me in the nbsp;kitchen?
Yes,____________I_______________to nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;wash nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;the
4. nbsp;What is Jack going to nbsp;do?
Jack_______________to nbsp;write nbsp;a letter nbsp;to nbsp;his nbsp;grandpa.
5. nbsp;Has Ben painted nbsp;the nbsp;door?
No,___________. nbsp;He___________the box nbsp;for my toys!
6. nbsp;Andy, nbsp;have you read the story?
Yes,___________I___________two nbsp;stories.
Good boy!

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