Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version

Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Looking at 45s in Sam Goodys, where Morrison is looking for a Sam Cooke album. Once in a foursome behind Morrisons _ at the local golf course
nbsp;(*ответ*) group
nbsp;(*ответ*) team
nbsp;(*ответ*) collective
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Morrison and a crony from Larkin Studios at Jack Dempseys bar. Crony offers a cigarette. Morrison _ his glass a little more tightly and says: Im quitting. Crony laughs and says: I give you a week
nbsp;(*ответ*) grips
nbsp;(*ответ*) holds
nbsp;(*ответ*) takes
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Morrison getting drunk at a party, wanting a cigarette but not quite drunk enough to take one. Morrison visiting his son, _ him a large ball that squeaked when you squeezed it. His sons slobbering, delighted kiss
nbsp;(*ответ*) bringing
nbsp;(*ответ*) giving
nbsp;(*ответ*) presenting
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Morrison has never _ his wife. She is pretty in the radiant way plain girls sometimes have when they are very, very happy.
nbsp;(*ответ*) met
nbsp;(*ответ*) seen
nbsp;(*ответ*) talked to
nbsp;looked at
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Morrison runs into the crony from the Larkin Studio at Dempseys bar. Morrison is down to what Cindy proudly calls his fighting weight: one-sixty-seven. He works out three times a week and looks as _as whipcord
nbsp;(*ответ*) fit
nbsp;(*ответ*) strong
nbsp;(*ответ*) athletic
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Morrison waiting for the morning train, looking over the top of the Times at a young man in a blue suit. He sees the young man almost every morning now, and _ at other places. At Ondes, where he is meeting a client
nbsp;(*ответ*) sometimes
nbsp;(*ответ*) occasionally
nbsp;(*ответ*) often
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Quite by _, Morrison and his wife meet the Jimmy McCanns at the Helen Hayes Theatre.
nbsp;(*ответ*) accident
nbsp;(*ответ*) chance
nbsp;(*ответ*) coincidence
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: She offers her hand and Morrison shakes it. There is something _ about her grip, and halfway through the second act, he realizes what it was. The little finger on her right hand is missing.
nbsp;(*ответ*) odd
nbsp;(*ответ*) strange
nbsp;(*ответ*) weird
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: The crony stubs his cigarette out with real revulsion and drains his _ Morrison looks at him speculatively and then takes a small white business card out of his wallet. He puts it on the bar between them. You know, he says, these guys changed my life
nbsp;(*ответ*) scotch
nbsp;(*ответ*) wisky
nbsp;(*ответ*) drink
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: The first drag made him cough smoke out furiously. The second мейд his eyes water. The third мейд him feel lightheaded and _ It tastes awful, he thought. And on the heels of that: My God, what am I doing
nbsp;(*ответ*) swoony
nbsp;(*ответ*) dizzy
nbsp;(*ответ*) giddy
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: A broken cigarette end flew out. Tobacco crumbs spilled. The sound of Donattis fist was very loud in the closed room. The smile remained on his face in spite of the force of the blows, and Morrison was _ by it. Probably just the effect they want to inspire, he thought
nbsp;(*ответ*) chilled
nbsp;(*ответ*) scared
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: A great many prospective clients never _ up again after the initial interview. They discover they dont want to quit as badly as they thought. Its going to be a pleasure to work with you on this
nbsp;(*ответ*) show
nbsp;(*ответ*) turn
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: As you say, Donatti said. He folded his _ Your son, Alvin Dawes Morrison, is in the Paterson School for Handicapped Children. Born with cranial brain damage. Tested IQ of 46. Not quite in the educable retarded category
nbsp;(*ответ*) hands
nbsp;(*ответ*) arms
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: At last Donatti _ pounding. He picked up the pack, a twisted and battered ruin. You wouldnt believe the pleasure that gives me, he said, and dropped the pack into the wastebasket
nbsp;(*ответ*) ceased
nbsp;(*ответ*) stopped
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Before going up in the elevator, he smoked a cigarette down to the filter. Too _ bad if its the last one, he thought. It tasted horrible.
nbsp;(*ответ*) damn
nbsp;(*ответ*) bloody
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: But consider the implications. When you put a man in _ you take away any normal sex life, you take away his liquor, his politics, his freedom of movement. No riots or few in comparison to the number of prisons
nbsp;(*ответ*) prison
nbsp;(*ответ*) jail

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