Read the definitions, then match the animals in the pictures to

Read the definitions, then match the animals in the pictures to them.
Mammals are animals that give birth to their babies and feed them milk (e.g. dogs, horses).
Amphibians are creatures that can live both on land and in the water (e.g. frogs).
Insects are small animals with six legs. Most, but not all. have wings, too (e.g. bees).
Fish are creatures that live in the water and have fins and a tail (e.g. salmon, sharks).
Birds have feathers and wings and they lay eggs Most can fly (e.g. eagles, swans).
Reptile are cold-blooded creatures with scales and they lay eggs (e.g. crocodiles, snakes).
gt; Otters are mammals.

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Hedgehogs, squirrels and foxes are mammals. (Ежики, белки и лисы млекопитающие)
Frogs and newts are amphibians. (Лягушки и тритоны земноводные)
Dragonflies are insects. (Стрекозы это насекомые)
Trout are fish. (Форель это рыба)
Herons and owls are birds. (Цапли и совы это птицы)
Snakes are reptiles. (Змеи это рептилии)
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