Read the rubric, the note and the answer. Then, answer the

Read the rubric, the note and the answer. Then, answer the question that follows.
Your sister has left you the following note in your bedroom.
Gone shopping for Mums present. Be back in about two hours. Remember to order the flowers and tell Dad I booked the restaurant for 8. Clara
You get the note when you return from school. You forgot it was Mothers Day and promised your friend to help him with a project. In your answer say:
nbsp; nbsp; you forgot to order the flowers,
nbsp; nbsp; you havent seen Dad,
nbsp; nbsp; you will be late because you have to help friend with project.
Dear Clara,
I am terribly sorry but I completely forgot that it is Mothers Day today, therefore I also forgot to order the flowers for her. Unfortunately, I will be late for the restaurant because I have promised to help Mark with his science project. Ill try to be there as early as I can though, i hope you are not angry.
Does the answer include all the necessary information? If not, what is missing?

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1 ответ
No, it doesnt. It doesnt include the second bullet point (Нет. Не всё включает. Он не включает 2-ой пункт):
you havent seen Dad (вы не видели папу)
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